Alito Backgrounder

Jeralyn Merrit of TalkLeft has a post up at Altercation that provides lots of links to documentation of Judge Alito’s “proven track record of hostility to pro-choice issues and civil rights.” Clip & save.

Jeralyn writes,

Take this example from PFAW’s summary of Judge Alito’s views on racial discrimination in a death penalty case, in which he was reversed by the full panel of judges in his own circuit. An African American was sentenced to die by an all-white jury. It was found that blacks had been improperly struck from the jury. On appeal, Alito wrote the opinion deciding against the defendant.

    The full Third Circuit, in a split decision, reversed Alito’s ruling, and the majority specifically criticized him for having compared statistical evidence about the prosecution’s exclusion of blacks from juries in capital cases to an explanation of why a disproportionate number of recent U.S. Presidents have been left-handed. According to the majority, “[t]o suggest any comparability to the striking of jurors based on their race is to minimize the history of discrimination against prospective black jurors and black defendants…”

This is frightening.

It’s important to remember that the political Right currently running our country are way to the right of the American mainstream. They have to pack the court to permanently impose their so-called “values.”