More Stuff

Couple o’ must reads — Taylor Marsh on “The Swiftboating of John Murtha” at Huffington Post, and Dan Froomkin, “The Undoing Begins,” at

Update: One more, “The 9/11 Faith Movement” by Terry Allen.

Update update: Another one more — this is hysterical — via LunkHead at Kos Diaries, a Fetus Person mistakes an Onion article for actual news.

Update update update:
From another post on the Fetus Person site linked above — Quote of the Week —

To many liberals, freedom of speech means they can say anything.

As opposed to, freedom of speech means we should shut up?

Is there some way we can vote this blogger out of the gene pool?

4 thoughts on “More Stuff

  1. There was a group of Talibaptists in Canada who once published this story in their newsletter, saying “see, they do they do they do recruit too!”

  2. The update, update ,update sounds like something Yogi Bera would say… ” people don’t go there anymore because its too crowded”

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