10 thoughts on “Matthews Experiences a Moment of Coherence

  1. Better late than never I guess. I doubt he’ll keep that up though—one of his handlers will remind him that calling people on their nonsense is “liberal bias.”

  2. this man makes me as sick as bushed brain does. i remember in 2001 before 9/11 when bush went to europe and made an ass of himself and was being critisized by the germans and others. i was going out my front door when i heard pudgy tweety say “who needs them, what do we care what the germans say or anyone else over there”. he is a slippery slimy slug, slowly moving to the left. dishonest. i have two program i watch now and that is keith and bill maher. if they go i dump DISH TV. blogs are more trustworthy.

  3. 1) Corporate insiders realize that Bush’s policies are making it more difficult and dangerous to do business around the world (Donald Trump below, Lee Iacocca.

    2) The shift in US public opinion against Bush is now viewed to be solid by the MSM, share holders and advertisers.

    3) The MSM front offices have loosened their leash on producers.

    When they start challenging Bush’s drum beat for attacking Iran, rather than being part of it, we’ll really know the tide has turned. I’m not holding my breath.

  4. Chris Mathews grills only selective guests. He goes after the people that appear infrequently and the ones will less credentials. He does it all the time.

  5. Now this schmuck wakes up!
    Oh, don’t worry! He and the rest of the MSM will find their balls when a Democrat is running for, or is, President. They’ll talk about how they’ve rediscovered journalism as they hound Edward’s, Obama, Clinton or Richardson on haircut’s/suit’s/real estate holdings, etc. And the right wing noise machine will be right there, fanning the flames of the “New Journalism.”
    Hold on to your hats boys and girls, because the new wave of “journalistic” crap is going to make Whitewater and the Monica BJ look like ‘Sunday in the park with George W.”
    I am mortally sick of all of these people who opine on the most trivial thing. And yet I watch…
    Too bad Hunter S. Thompson’s won’t be around to chronicle the upcoming efforts.

    BTW, PoliticalCritic, I agree with your assessment. The big fishies can say any stupid thing they want and he’ll cackle right along. He only shoots at the little fishies in the barrel. What a man!

    Codpiece’s for one and all….

  6. Pingback: A great Resource Directory » Blog Archive » Iraq War–Beliefnet.com

  7. Matthews was against this war from the start, but he has his marching orders. Now everyone with even half a brain realizes how bad the situation is. Too bad it took so long.

  8. Why does Mathews go to the trouble of having guests on his show? The 8 or 10 words he let this one get in during his interminable tirade is pretty typical. This display — so like O’Reilly, Hannity, Scarborough, and the other talking airheads — is the reason I no longer waste time on them.

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