14 thoughts on “No, We Can’t

  1. I just spit a mouthful of food all over my monitor with a laugh I couldn’t control. Brilliant just begins the description.

  2. This is so over-the-top – what a great way to start the week. I’m so glad our side apparently has the bulk of the creative people.

    I’ve long held that all we had to do with McCain is let him open his mouth.

  3. Yes, McCain tends to say some wacky things about war from time to time. However, you gotta admit the man does have some positive attributes. It baffles me how the Limbaughs and other so-called “conservatives” are belittling his record like they are, “how dare the man worry that these tax cuts benefit the rich and will cause deficits! Tax cuts are always a good idea – no matter what!”

    There is a part of me that hopes a Republican will win – just since the next 4 years are going to be so bad it would be a terrible to have a Democrat in the White House. Then again, my prediction about Mittens didn’t turn out all that well.

  4. ——-
    And now for something completely different (and entirely OT) –
    maha, you might be interested in this series of posts on atheisms and religion (that is, starting here.) Don’t exactly agree, but very interesting.

    (And of course, I’m going to be dropping him a link to your Wisdom of Doubt series. And probably leaving it at that, before I lapse into full-throttle “humorless atheism” at the poor fellow (must . . . fight it . . . must . . reach . . . Karen Armstrong . . . book) – but hey . . .

    Now back to regularly scheduled programming – and what bitingly brilliant programming it is . . .

  5. McCain knows Americans don’t like to quit. They don’t like to lose. I sure as hell don’t; that’s a fact. But Iraq was a bad idea from the start, and it’s compounded every day we are there, with every casualty.

    I liken the situation inmy mind to the visitor to Vegas who calls his accountaant and asks him to sell some of the best investments in his portfolio and wire the money to him in Vegas, ASAP, because he intends to WIN HIS MONEY BACK. It’s a huge announcement in huge letters; cut your losses; go home; chill. You aint getting your money back. You will only turn a vacation into a tragedy. The body count is over 4,000, so we are already at tragic levels. Don’t let McCain wire for more GIs.

  6. One of the things that bothers me about McCain is that he stands up as the moral champion to declare that America shouldn’t engage in torture, but when the military commissions act made torture legal at the president’s discretion, McCain didn’t so much as raise a whimper of protest or outrage. In my eyes, McCain effectively got morally castrated by his lack of commitment in honoring his own words, thereby becoming something akin to a prison bitch for Bush.. And in that widely circulated photograph where McCain is burying his head in a gesture of seeking forgiveness in Bush’s bosom while Bush raises his arm in the fashion of Ceasar to signal an acceptance for the defeated McCain, kinda sums up how I view McCain, defeated.
    When it’s something as important as America’s honor and reputation that needs to be defended, I expect any man who calls himself an American to still be howling in outrage for the shame Bush has put upon our nation by making torture acceptable. And I’m not hearing old mano a mano McCain’s voice.

    McCain is tired and crusty…He should be put out to pasture.

  7. The video of “Yes we can” (on the menu) is very good in a different way.

    It is really wonderful to see people, especially young people, inspired by a candidate and to join in politics with the idea that we can, as a nation, still accomplish something for the common good.

    One of the false connections that the right wing is hawking now, via guys like Jonah Goldberg, is the linking of “collectivism” and “authoritarianism”. This is absurd, but it shows that they fear just what the “Yes we can” video conjures, the belief that acting together, we can solve problems and make a better world.

    To me, one of the most damaging products of the conservative agenda has been to rob this nation of its faith in itself. In place of this, they gave us only the grim assurance that we can destroy our “enemies” on an epic scale.

    So what, in the end, are the “conservatives” trying to conserve?

    Idea for new conservative bumper sticker:

    “We’re pro-torture, and we vote”

  8. Have you heard about the Clean Team? We’ve reached a new frontier in jurisprudence..the interrogational mulligan. Why make a mockery of justice? They should just execute the suspected perpetrators of 9/11 and be done with it by claiming revenge regardless of truth rather than make the concept of justice another victim of 9/11.
    I wondered how Bush was going to overcome his violations of human rights and law pertaining to his torture victims at Guantanamo..now I know..the basic creatio ex nihilo gambit.

  9. I think I’ve just seen the 21st Century version of “little girl picking daisy… ka-blam.

    So where do we contribute for the 90-second blocks of national primetime advertising?

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