Playing the Race Card

Here’s a question for you, posted by a commenter at The Guardian — “please do take as much time as you need to show the last time GOP won a presidential election without using anti-black race baiting.”

Well, let’s see — Bush v. Gore 2000, Bush surrogates no doubt working under Karl Rove’s direction took out McCain as an opponent in South Carolina by spreading a story about McCain’s alleged black love child, who is actually an adopted daughter. (Where is that child now, btw?) In the general election campaign I’d have to think about it, but perhaps one of you readers can come up with an example.

Bush I, 1988 — Willie Horton

Reagan, 1980 — Welfare Cadillac Queen

Nixon, 1969 — Ran against Lyndon Johnson’s “Great Society” programs and racial equality in more subtle ways. I’ve already written about Nixon’s 1972 RNC convention acceptance speech and how the first half of it was a regular cornucopia of race baiting.

Eisenhower, 1952 — I’m drawing a blank. I was only one year old for that election, though.

Anyway — Bob Herbert gets it exactly right. Just read what he says.