Waste and Fraud

It’s not really news that the Iraq “reconstruction” effort was and is the Mother of All Boondoggles, and that billions of taxpayer dollars have been pissed away in waste and fraud. But the New York Times has a new story about it, so I’ll comment anyway.

The Times got hold of a 513-page federal history of the American-led reconstruction of Iraq being circulated in Washington. This report was not supposed to be released until February, after Dear Leader had left office.

An unpublished 513-page federal history of the American-led reconstruction of Iraq depicts an effort crippled before the invasion by Pentagon planners who were hostile to the idea of rebuilding a foreign country, and then molded into a $100 billion failure by bureaucratic turf wars, spiraling violence and ignorance of the basic elements of Iraqi society and infrastructure.

The article doesn’t name the “Pentagon planners.” Want to bet it was the civilians who reported to Rummy — Doug Feith, Paul Wolfowitz, etc.?

No takers, huh?

It’s been obvious all along that BushCo. was utterly incompetent to handle anything as complicated as a kids’ birthday party, never mind reconstructing Iraq. Other stuff we already knew:

  • The Pentagon has been lying its ass off all along about the “progress” being made in Iraq.
  • Much of the money allocated for various projects was diverted into a “spoils system controlled by neighborhood politicians and tribal chiefs.”
  • To this day, “the government as a whole has never developed a legislatively sanctioned doctrine or framework for planning, preparing and executing contingency operations in which diplomacy, development and military action all figure.”
  • Rummy didn’t think the U.S. would need to spend $1 billion to reconstruct Iraq. He was right; so far, we’ve spent $117 billion.

Among the overarching conclusions of the history is that five years after embarking on its largest foreign reconstruction project since the Marshall Plan in Europe after World War II, the United States government has in place neither the policies and technical capacity nor the organizational structure that would be needed to undertake such a program on anything approaching this scale.

We’ve become a can’t-do nation.

The bitterest message of all for the reconstruction program may be the way the history ends. The hard figures on basic services and industrial production compiled for the report reveal that for all the money spent and promises made, the rebuilding effort never did much more than restore what was destroyed during the invasion and the convulsive looting that followed.

You’ll like this part:

¶When the Office of Management and Budget balked at the American occupation authority’s abrupt request for about $20 billion in new reconstruction money in August 2003, a veteran Republican lobbyist working for the authority made a bluntly partisan appeal to Joshua B. Bolten, then the O.M.B. director and now the White House chief of staff. “To delay getting our funds would be a political disaster for the President,” wrote the lobbyist, Tom C. Korologos. “His election will hang for a large part on show of progress in Iraq and without the funding this year, progress will grind to a halt.” With administration backing, Congress allocated the money later that year.

That was only $20 billion for a “show of progress” so Bush could get re-elected. Congressional GOP saw to it BushCo got every dime it asked for since. But Detroit auto workers? They can drop dead.

5 thoughts on “Waste and Fraud

  1. To honor the Presidency of George W. Bush, “Murphy’s Law” should now be renamed “Bush’s Law.” That may be hard to change, though, after all of this time.
    Or perhaps “Bush’s Law” should be the following:
    “When something bad happens, fall back on ‘Who could have known?..,’ even when many people other knew. You just didn’t want to listen.”
    What do you think “Bush’s Law” should be?

  2. Funny you should write about this now. We don’t care about the money spent in IRAQ anymore. That is so 6 months ago. We have moved on to the neoconsuperfratboy’s latest multi (understatement) billion dollar boondoggle. I wonder how many more he can fit in before he leaves us? Would it have possible for him to be more of an asshole? (dear leader – too funny).

  3. Does the title waste and fraud pertain to the reconstruction in Iraq, or is it an assessment of George Bush’s character?

  4. Swami-I would say it applies to both the Iraq reconstruction and Bush’s character. Bush seems to want to make true the “conservative” assertion that government can’t do anything right unless it’s mentioned in the Constitution. Sadly, Bush has succeeded at just that.

  5. the republicrats and evangelicrats have pillaged and raped this country under the leadership of Bush, Cheney and Limbaugh. Just look at the incompetents and unskilled political appointees they placed to run agencies such as our juudiciary system(with “Christian” Lawyers), defense (look at all the “southern” generals”, wall street, etc. Pres Elect Obama will go down in history as one of the great Presidents thanks to the mess they are going to leave him to fix. He just cannot fail as things can only get better in the next 4 yrs. By the way, the Bush/Cheney victory lap is a farse…and Americans are just feeling so sad and embarrassed as he/they go about trying to re-write the history of the most corrupt and incompetent presidency in our history.

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