Around the Corner With the GOP

Michael Steele says the Republican Party has turned a corner. Is this the same corner we used to turn in Iraq? If so, all they’ll find around the corner is another corner. Anyway, among other brilliant things Steele says, in effect, that the party should move forward by being faithful to Reaganism.

I’m so not worried.

However, the Pelosi episode shows us that the bitter enders are fighting to the death. And they’re brazen as ever. They admit they created a phony controversy about Nancy Pelosi and torture to distract people from a real debate about torture, and so far it is working for them.

12 thoughts on “Around the Corner With the GOP

  1. …save what little bit of traction they may be getting out the Pelosi flap (and I suspect that they are now on the “diminishing” side of the “returns” curve on that one), it seems to me that Republicans have only come up on what they thought was a corner and – on turning – smashed face-first into the wall…

  2. I know the Pelosi flap works with the shrinking base. I know it works with the media. I don’t know that it has serious traction anywhere else. At least I hope people are as skeptical of this as the latest media theme, “the recession is ending”.

  3. Michael Steele and his Republican buddies act as if they have been only playing in the pre-season. The President and his administration mean while are half way to the Super Bowl. What have the Republicans been waiting on? They must be waiting for a star Quarterback. Is the star of the party going to be Praying Palin, Newt, Rush, Romney?

    I would like to remind Michael Steele and the GOP that Ronald Reagan is no longer with us. The sooner they recognize that as a party, the better off they will be.

    They are trying really hard to turn this country into a one-party system.

  4. Who cares what Pelosi knew? She is not the one who authorized torture. They are seriously grasping at straws.

  5. I know the Pelosi flap works with the shrinking base. I know it works with the media. I don’t know that it has serious traction anywhere else. At least I hope people are as skeptical of this as the latest media theme, “the recession is ending”.

    “No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public.”
    — Henry Mencken

  6. Steele pulled the old Jesus routine..New creature in Christ, all things are passed away. Torture?… Forget it! We’re the new GOP, charting a course into the glorious future.

    Is taking a political mulligan a standard GOP tactic or did Steele come up with that on his own?

  7. If the Republicans keep turning those right corners without making the occasional left turn, I guess they’ll wind up staying where they are now. Oh well…

  8. Let us hope that they are turning a corner never to be seen again. But as in horror movies the monster keeps turning up at the most unexpected places.

    Perhaps as Newt once said of some social program or other: “We will not kill it. We will just let it wither in the vine!”

  9. No great leader to be seen. Not even in the distant horizon.
    That leaves ‘The Seven Dwarves’ (with apologies to the vertically challenged, and Walt) to duke it out: Rush, Caribou, Newt, Mitt, Huck, Jeb and Steele.
    Good luck with that! HAH!!!

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