Be Brave

I am about to upgrade to a newer version of WordPress. Wish me luck.

Update: Yay! I think the spam is gone, the site is upgraded, and nothing bad seems to have happened.

10 thoughts on “Be Brave

    • The spam will take a few hours to go away. It turns out my source code had been hacked after all, but the source code was cleaned. Let me know if it isn’t gone by Tuesday or so.

  1. WHAT kl;j;lkj;lkj;
    DO ;mn;nk;lbkn,mn
    YOU ;ln;n;ln;n;n
    MEAN =09uq-0ijqpoijjfpqkn
    NOTHING kmn;lknd;dsvnapoin
    BAD ad09ja[sdfa[0dsf9fj[a0dj9a[

    Juss kiddin’! 🙂

  2. The thing I find really puzzling about that pharmaspam is that it doesn’t contain any links or anything. Even if I wanted to, I can’t click through and get to a site that will actually sell me drugs. So how is anyone making illicit money from this?

    All whoever-did-it has achieved is to mention the existence of valium to your readers. And I suspect most of us had heard of it already. What’s the point?

  3. Off topic about the upgrade. Here is something from another blog (; but, is a good argument against the wacko rightwingers:

    Two Words for Palin, Gingrich and the Rest of the GOP Who Fear an Imaginary Federal “Death Panel”

    Sun Hudson

    Thank you. And thanks, Kaybee, for the reminder.

    Doctors say he had a genetic deformity, a lethal form of dwarfism in which the lungs do not grow large enough to support life. Doctors felt that further treatment was futile. His mother, Wanda, argued that all he needed was time to develop. The court sided with the doctors and allowed them to disconnect the ventilator. This is allowed in Texas under the Advance Directives Act, signed into law in 1999 by Gov. George W. Bush.

    And the 2005 decision to remove the ventilator was made under the watchful eye of Republican governor Rick Perry.

    Posted on Aug 09, 2009 at 02:09 PM

  4. I hope that they at least have bipartisan death panels. I can’t imagine how they are going to work..Will the supplicant be notified of their pending demise by registered mail, or will the death panel do a thumbs up or down vote in the fashion of gladiatorial Rome after the supplicant has made their appeal to live in person.

    • I hope that they at least have bipartisan death panels.

      In that case there’s nothing to worry about. They’ll never get out of committee.

  5. I hope that they at least have bipartisan death panels.

    I think this whole “death panel” thing just shows how crazy Palin is.

    Nobody is talking about putting together a panel. We’re just going to install a little jewel in everybody’s palm and when it turns dark, you have to go to the Carousel, just like in this absorbing documentary film.

    I mean, sheesh, “death panel”, like guys sitting around a table making decisions. That’s so, like 1930s New Deal.

    We evil killer liberals are waaay more high tech these days. Palm jewels, man. I’m tellin’ you.

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