Explain This to Me

Rush (via RedState) has got the Wingbots all worked up over a memo that allegedly says the Obama Administration is going to purge Republicans from civil service jobs. This is the memo that is supposed to say that. It’s late and I’m tired, but I can’t even tell what it was their fevered brains misconstrued to mean Republicans are being purged from civil service jobs. The word “Republican” does not appear in the memo.

I think what it’s saying is that they’re on the lookout for Bush appointees whose appointments did not comply with “merit system principles and applicable civil service laws” — meaning they were given jobs for which they were not qualified, I assume — but nothing in the memo seems to say such people will be purged. They just will be filtered from receiving further appointments. At least, that’s how I interpreted it. Maybe some of you could have a whack at this with fresh eyes and explain it to me.