Stuff to Read and Watch

A massive earthquake has rocked Japan and set off a tsunami that threatens the entire Pacific rim. The waves reached Hawaii early this morning and are heading for the West Coast. Stay safe out there.

With the events in Wisconsin this week, I keep forgetting to note that the guy accust of attempting to bomb a Martin Luther King Day in Spokane definitely is a wingnut, as most of us suspected. Yet no one in Washington has the courage to hold Peter King-Joe McCarthy hearings investigating the Right.

If you missed Maddow’s special report last night, here is a bit of it. You can watch the rest in clips at

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Read about the remarkable wives-to-candidate ratio of the emerging Republican presidential field.

Krugman, “Dumbing Deficits Down.” Are Republicans really that stupid?

I have a new post at Comment Is Free about the semi-retirement of His Holiness the Dalai Lama.