Prediction: Birthers Will Not Be Appeased

I understand the President has released his long-form birth certificate, which the birthers have been clamoring for. I’m predicting this will make no difference to the hard-core birthers. They will find some reason to think it’s a forgery, and the nonsense will continue.

If I were an ambitious sort, I’d be trying to register the domain, but it’s probably already taken.

Update: To see the future of birtherism, check out the comments at Weasel Zippers. Apparently, President Obama’s long reluctance to make public his long-form birth certificate was just a distraction from what he really wants to hide, which are his college transcripts.

40 thoughts on “Prediction: Birthers Will Not Be Appeased

  1. OK, we’ve seen the short form.

    Now he’s shown us the long form.

    But where’s the longerer form?

    And the longererer form?

    And the longerererer form?

    Enquiring “minds” want to know!

    Trust me, this ends nothing for a lot of people out there.
    But maybe, just maybe, it’ll stop Trumps mouth and hairpiece from flapping.
    OK, I’ll settle for the mouth. I don’t think that ferret that they stapled to his noggin’ is quite dead yet. Someone needs to club that poor f*cking thing and put it out of its misery.

    Oh, and when do we hear about the Republicans blowing the dust off of Kenneth Starr and having him investigate Obama’s mother’s “AmnioticWater” records?
    To the rescue: Kenneth Starr – “AmnioticWater” Indpendent Council!

    And I bet it was a young Obama who shot Vincent Foster and dumped him in the park per Hillary’s instructions!

    • And I bet it was a young Obama who shot Vincent Foster and dumped him in the park per Hillary’s instructions!

      It was Obama and Bill Ayers who shot Vincent Foster and dumped him in the park per Hillary’s instructions.

  2. cundgulag – speaking of Trump’s mouth, doesn’t he look a lot like a goldfish? I suggest that his parentage should definitely be questioned.

  3. Notice that it doesn’t have an embossed seal on it! I certainly won’t be fooled by that 2nd rate forgery. How easy is it for the President of the United States to just have his boys over in the CIA special operations dept print up that forgery to throw us off the trail.. Maybe the Nigerians are really good at internet scams, but the Kenyans lead the pack when it comes to forging birth certificates

  4. OMG, you’re right Swami!!!

    I expanded the long form on my laptop to look closely at it, and I couldn’t feel the raised embossed seal on my screen.

    Noow I’m convinced – he really wasn’t born here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. And I’m sure it was Bill Ayers who wrote the instructions!


    Me, I vant to zee EFFrybody’s papers! Schnell, Herr Donald!

  6. Not being familiar with the commentators at Weasel Zippers you can’t be sure whether the comments are sarcasm or serious. Some are obviously a snark, but others leave you guessing. You’d think that making a comment that is exceeding stupid would distinguish it as a snark, but seeing how rightie world functions that isn’t always the case.

    • Not being familiar with the commentators at Weasel Zippers you can’t be sure whether the comments are sarcasm or serious.

      You really cannot underestimate the intelligence of the Weasel Zippers crew, nor overestimate their vileness.

  7. Pingback: Political Byline » Blog Archive » Finally: President Barack Obama releases his birth certificate

  8. Swami, I couldn’t tell whether the comments on Weasel Zippers were snark or stupidity, either. But I think I may have figured out what the “Obama is dumb” and “Show us your college transcripts” was about. You see, his diploma from Harvard law school says “Magna Cum Laude,” which clearly makes it a forgery, because no American university would put foreign words on a diploma.

    See? You just gotta think stupid and then it all makes sense.

  9. I was very proud that I graduated Magna Cum Lousy!
    You mean “Laude” means honor”

    Well then, what does “Magna Cum Lous…”

  10. Unfortunately, no, some of the Birthers, just like most of the 9/11 Truthers and Trig Truthers, who are mostly on your side, Maha, will not be appeased.

    You essentially had 2 camps: one said “sure, he’s a natural born citizen, but why won’t he release the long form BC (which we were recently told didn’t exist?” and the other camp is bat sh*t crazy. I’ve knocked down many of my fellow righties on their notions about being a dual citizen, born in Kenya, etc. Obama is natural born, doesn’t matter if his father was a Brit. The laws says he is natural born. Period. I took a long look at them when the NY Times ran a “just wondering” story about whether McCain was eligible to be Pres, since he was born in the Panama Canal Zone. He was. Laws say so. Obama was born in Hawaii, neither of his parents were foreign diplomatic personnel, he is eligible. Period.

    But, both sides, sadly, have nuts. Hard to ignore them, though, because (usually) they provide great entertainment. 🙂

    • Teach, I have banned commentary from both 9/11 truthers and Trig truthers for some time. They are not on “my side.” They are nuts.

      The world does not divide neatly into two sides to everything. I’ve said all along that there was nothing the President could or could not do to shut up the clamor about his birth certificate, so I am in neither of the two “sides” you describe. Like the other trutherisms, this is a stupid controversy that is distracting us from real issues, and I feel somewhat embarrassed for the President that he felt a need to addressed this. It shouldn’t have come to this. I partly blame news media for being more interested in reporting on “freak show” issues than real issues.

  11. Felicity …Trump’s mouth does resemble that of a Goldfish to some degree..

    Yesterday Florida legislators passed a very very important bill designating the Barking Tree Frog as the state amphibian. Isn’t that wonderful! Especially if I don’t get some employment soon..I might be having to feast on those lovely little critters to stave off starvation.

    Unemployment is running at 20% in some counties in Florida, but our Legislature thinks it’s more important to devote time to venerate barking tree frogs..I just don’t get it!

  12. Teach,
    No one here, or at any other REPUTABLE Liberal blog tolerates “9/11 Truthers.”

    Ditto the “Trig Truthers.”
    And one of the people who keeps harping on the Sarah/Trig relationship to this day is Andrew Sullivan, who, last time I looked was not in the Liberal camp like Krugman, Rich, Maddow, or Olberman, but a Hell of a lot closer to Kristol and Douthat.

    So, Teach, nice try at false equivalencies! But, sorry, NO CIGAR!

    Oh, and Teach? Thanks for the great entertainment! 🙂

    BTW – I asked you a question about 6 months ago, and I’ve been waiting for a response since then.

  13. Sadly, this is true, no amount of evidence will convince the idiots who are convinced Obama is not a citizen. They wouldn’t be pulling this crap if Madelyn or Ann Dunham were still alive, and the fact they are both deceased allows them to lie with impunity. Sullivan does not add to his credibility by making false claims about Trig’s parentage, and the 9/11 truthers don’t want to admit they got suckered by two nobodies who made a slick video ignoring a lot of facts.

  14. No icing tops the cake more than this remark from the hairpiece-turned-mouthpiece: “Today I’m very proud of myself, because I’ve accomplished something that no one else has been able to accomplish,” crows the forever truculent and triumphant Trump.

    For a man obsessed with bragging about himself – his yacht, his money, his media exposure, his wives, and his manhood – I can’t help but wonder whether he is hiding a secret in his pants. Perhaps the man with a constant need to brag is overcompensating and covering up the lack thereof, having neither prick nor balls. Why should we take the Donald at his word? President Obama showed us his; it is time for Donald to put up or shut up.

    Donald, now it’s your turn. Call a press conference and fess up. Drop your pants and show your penis. Citizens have a right to know.

  15. The birthers are stupid enough to ignore buckets of data on climate change and evolution. Think isn’t their strong suit.

  16. “But, both sides, sadly, have nuts”

    Teach as usual you are full of it, sure there are liberal nuts, but your nuts (birthers) are running for president, they sit in the house, the senate, they have the largest radio and TV programs. The republicant party could not survive without the nuts, it really is all you have.

  17. c u n d gulag, never accused anyone here of being Trig or 9/11 truthers.

    Sullivan damned sure isn’t a conservative.

    What was the question? Email me at wteach (at) thepiratescove (dot) us and I will be happy to answer.

    I know you have banned them, Maha, and that’s great. When I say “you’re side,” though, most of the Truthers are on your side. Or Ron Paul wackos.

    This was an issue that should have ended pre-election, but, the Clinton camp opened that can of worms, as did the NY Times with their “just wondering” stories about McCain’s eligibility. But, the media didn’t vet Obama at all. They demanded everything from McCain, and little from Obama.

    But, yeah, let’s have that discussion about the important issues, the ones that Obama is completely unwilling and/or too incompetent to handle.

    • Sullivan damned sure isn’t a conservative.

      Sullivan damned sure isn’t a liberal, and he calls himself a conservative. Again: the world does not neatly divide into two sides to everything. Just because someone has opinions that are different from yours doesn’t mean he’s one of “mine.” Sullivan’s perspective is not nearly progressive enough for me to claim him as “mine.” He’s slightly right of center, as far as I’m concerned. You are, of course, much further right from the center.

      I think the “truthers” started out as mostly lefties, but they aren’t confined to that any more. Mostly they are a kind of weird cult obsessed with the one issue and not caring much about anything else, which puts them off the grid, as far as I’m concerned.

      This was an issue that should have ended pre-election, but, the Clinton camp opened that can of worms, as did the NY Times with their “just wondering” stories about McCain’s eligibility.

      I had a lot of issues with the way Hillary Clinton ran her primary, and criticized her pretty harshly for a lot of things back then. Again, don’t assume that I give knee-jerk support to everything you assume is on “my” side. But as I remember it, Hillary Clinton didn’t begin the birther nonsense, she just stooped to fuel some of the conspiracy theories that had already started to bubble up from whatever cesspool of racism and jingoism it bubbled up from.

      But, the media didn’t vet Obama at all. They demanded everything from McCain, and little from Obama.

      That’s utter crap, but it tells me you’ve got your head shoved so far up your ideological ass you can’t see reality. Not that I hadn’t noticed that before.

      But, yeah, let’s have that discussion about the important issues, the ones that Obama is completely unwilling and/or too incompetent to handle.

      I discuss the important issues here all the time. See the previous post, for example.

  18. “but, the Clinton camp opened that can of worms, as did the NY Times with their “just wondering” stories about McCain’s eligibility”

    You are full of shit, the only reason people question Obama’s citizenship is because he is a black man with a Kenyan name, period the end. The only valid reason for being a birther is because one is a racist, thats it, no other good reason. Did anyone ever ask for GW, Clinton, HW, Reagan, Carter any of them, did anyone ask for their birth certificates. McCain’s citizenship was questioned because he was actually born outside this country, legitimate question, asking for Obama’s is not legitimate, it is racist. Stop making excuses for your party.

  19. You are so off base Maha, now it’s his Punahoe term papers! It’s Ok, I know it’s hard to keep up with the Crazy!

  20. Nothing is going to change…They just don’t like” Barry” and they’ll only find another avenue to try and deny him legitimacy. I guess the next episode will be the Transcripters

  21. And now (not that the birther stuffs done – not by a long shot), onto the questions about this college record and his grades.

    So, we’ll have jumped from the KKK-like wondering about where this “boy” was born, to the Gestapo-like request to let us see “his papers.” *

    *Godwin forgive me.

    • Goatherd — thanks for that. I knew a little about the prescription drug addiction and stealing from the charity, but this story provided a lot of details that were new to me.

  22. But, the media didn’t vet Obama at all. They demanded everything from McCain, and little from Obama.

    That’s utter crap, but it tells me you’ve got your head shoved so far up your ideological ass you can’t see reality. Not that I hadn’t noticed that before.

    Nod. I’ve seen this complaint, and it seems to rest on how many of the games that the Republicans wanted to play just didn’t play the way they wanted them to.

    The media didn’t make a big deal about their (frankly, pretty pathetic) attack stories. So, they didn’t vet him enough, and that’s wrong. Why? Well… shut up, that’s why!

    They’re still playing that game. Obama doesn’t provide a plan for them to find something in to distort and scream about – so he’s not providing “leadership”. But if he gives them ammunition, it’ll be more of a distraction to whatever issue is under consideration. It’s a shame he can’t provide ideas, but while he has to deal with spoiled children, he needs to use appropriate tactics.

  23. This entire issue, as it’s being carried out, is moot. Obama’s ‘accusers’ must prove, fore instance, that he was born elsewhere. Unless I missed it, the accused never must prove his ‘innocence’ – his ‘accusers’ must prove his guilt.

    That is a basic tenet of American jurisprudence. The media, forever remiss, have failed miserably in not requiring proof, according to this basic tenet. They should have said from the outset, show us a birth certificate from, say, Kenya, or shut up.

  24. Boy, I go camping in cold, wet cheeseland weather and I come back to this. Obama should have held onto it and allowed Trump to get the nomination, and then dropped the long-form on their ass. Sully is a conservative, no doubt, he just supported Obama because the crazy has taken the Republicans and he’s not crazy. But the Trig obsession may make me reconsider.

  25. I kept waiting for someone, anyone, in the MSM to point out that it doesn’t matter if Obama was born in a bodega in Nicaragua, on the floor of a Madrassa in Mecca, on the desk of a Politburo member in Moscow, or inside the Forbidden City meeting with Mao in China, or at a cigar and rum tasting session with Fidel and Che in Cuba, as long as his MOTHER WAS A US CITIZEN!

    This has been easily the dumbest that the Republican politicians, and our complicit and compliant pundits and MSM members, have ever looked. And that’s saying something.
    This actually tops, I think,when some coked-up, drunken, pot smoking chickenshit, who ducked out of finishing National Guard service while trying to avoid spilling a drop of his blue blood in Vietnam is more worthy of adulation and respect than a guy who actually was a legitimate war hero who got numerous medals for captaining swift boats in the same war the cowardly frat boy dodged.
    You know what I used to tell people about the imbeciles who wore purple bandaides at the Republican National Convention in 2004?
    I don’t think they’re mocking Kerry. I think they’re sympathising with Bush when he got a paper cut on a blotter of some Owsley acid at some brothel in TX, and had to rinse the wound off with vodka mixed with jug red wine.

    But this still isn’t over for some of these birther idiots.
    I think this nation has reached the point where the the stupid has gone “China Syndrome.”

  26. Obama should have held onto it and allowed Trump to get the nomination, and then dropped the long-form on their ass.

    Trump doesn’t stand a prayer to get the nomination, it might be enjoyable entertainment to watch a massive ego feed on itself in public, but Trump’s candidacy could never rise above the level of a P.T. Barnum sideshow. I agree Obama should have allowed the Birther nonsense to continue unabated. If Obama seriously thinks that by producing a birth certificate he’s going to return focus to serious issues..He’s mistaken big time. Politics has degenerated into a full time circus, and diversion, distraction, and obfuscation have become the staples of the art.

  27. It was Obama and Bill Ayers who shot Vincent Foster and dumped him in the park per Hillary’s instructions.

    Actually, it was George Soros’s instructions.

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