
We’re still learning about how badly tornadoes tore up large parts of the South last week. I don’t begrudge federal assistance going to people who lost homes and loved ones. However, I do wish anyone receiving federal assistance (or state assistance funded by federal grants) could be required to sign an affidavit acknowledging they are being helped by the federal government, and if Republicans get their way there won’t be any help after the next tornado.

The pathetic Gov. Rick “Secession Now” Perry threw a hissy fit because President Obama was paying more attention to Alabama than to Mississippi. “What about our fires?” he asked. However,

Texas has already gotten at least $39 million in firefighting aid from FEMA over the past two fire seasons and has already received 22 grants in this fire season alone.

Perhaps Gov. Perry wasn’t aware how much his state depended on handouts from the feds. OK, so no more money for Texas until Perry signs an affidavit acknowledging what the Big Bad Federal Gubmit is giving Texas.