Mitt: Vote for Me ‘Cause I’m the White Guy

Mitt was planning to run as the Titan of Capitalism and Savior of the Olympics. But those narratives have been tarnished quite a bit, so he’s falling back on the Tried and True and doubling down on whiteness.

Mitt today is saying that this was not a swipe at President Obama

“I love being home in this place where Ann and I were raised, where both of us were born. Ann was born in Henry Ford Hospital. I was born in Harper Hospital,” Romney said in Commerce, Michigan earlier Friday. “No one’s ever asked to see my birth certificate. They know that this is the place that we were born and raised.”

— which shows us that Mitt is about as funny — and as ethical — as a sub-prime mortgage lender.

And this comes after lying to portray President Obama as an enabler of welfare queens. Next he’ll be telling us that the President do loves him some watermelon.

Pandering to whiteness will get Mittens a lot of votes, unfortunately. Annie Laurie:

A major facet of the GOP’s appeal to working-class white voters, especially white male voters, since Nixon’s “Southern Strategy”, has been the unspoken advertisment that voting Republican would set you off as a member of the elite… if not actually rich, or well-educated, or white, or male, at least an aspiring elitist with a clear superiority over the faceless mass of those people (non-whites, immigrants, women, DFHs, welfare queens, moochers & looters). …

… A not inconsiderable portion of the Republican voting population consists of those who would (as Davis X. Machina put it) “volunteer to live, with his family, in a cardboard box under an overpass, and cook sparrows on an old curtain rod, if someone would only guarantee that the black, gay, Hispanic, liberal, whatever, in the next box over doesn’t even have a curtain rod, or a sparrow to put on it.”

Annie Laurie says that much of Mitt’s un-likeability comes from the fact that he’s very bad at faking the winking bonhomie with working class whites that is the bread and butter of Republican politicians these days. And he shows us, over and over, that he’ll stoop to just about anything to appear to be one of the regular (white) guys.

So what if the “birther” bit was a low blow? The crowd loved it!

But the joke’s on them, because to people like Willard Mitt Romney, working-class whites are just employee fodder at the disposal of mine and meat packing plant owners. Or Wal-Mart. Other than that, in the eyes of the wealthy and powerful they are just moochers and takers, expecting their betters (like Romney) to educate their children and provide health care for the old folks. Working-class white is the new black.

9 thoughts on “Mitt: Vote for Me ‘Cause I’m the White Guy

  1. I would like to give Mr. Romney three guesses why he has never been asked for his birth certificate. And here’s a clue, they all begin with the world white!

  2. White working-class American males, vote for Mitt if he’s the answer to the following question:
    “Who’s the the guy I’d rather have a seltzer with?”

    And it sure would be great if when he says he’s joking, some intrepid reporter asked “Shecky” Romney, “Can you explain to us what is it about a birth certificate that you and the audience found funny?”

    What’s next for Shecky?
    Maybe if someone can think of the punchline, we can send him this “joke” and he’ll tell it at the Convention – “So, a Witchdoctor, a Sp*c lawn worker, a pregnant hooker, a d*ke barista , and a f*g teacher, walk into a place the sells alcoholic refreshments…”

  3. Oh, and you finish the “joke” with, “…and the dispenser of alcoholic beverages says to…”
    And the rest of it it is up to you.

  4. If Barack and Michelle were at a campaign appearance near where they had their wedding, and he made a “joke” about how nobody had ever asked him how many wives he had, I’m thinking most people wouldn’t think that was very funny, and wouldn’t see that as bringing some “humor” to the campaign.

    I don’t think I’ve ever heard a story about a Mitt “joke” or “funny prank” that I found at all amusing, and most of them make me different degrees of uncomfortable, all the way to disgusted.

  5. Maybe we’ll get lucky.

    Somebody explaining their alternative to Obamacare, Medicaid, and Medicare will say it’s simple, “just let them die,” and set off a half-hour of cheering and dancing.

  6. Well, I think it was kinda funny that they baptized Ann Romney’s father into the Mormon faith after he died. Especially since he would always say: “over my dead body”when they tried to convert him to Mormonisn. That’s exactly what they did.

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