Dumb and Dumber

Last night a couple of right-wing loons tried to shut down the performance of Julius Caesar in Central Park. I found a photo of one of them and annotated it:

You are welcome to use the image wherever. See the New York Times and Washington Post on what went down. I already wrote the New York Times:

Regarding “Two Protesters Disrupt “Julius Caesar” in Central Park” (June 17) — The alleged disruptors are guilty of massive cultural illiteracy, since Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar is a warning against violence, not a celebration of regicide. They should be required to watch or read the play and write essays explaining what it’s about. Failing that, they could be sentenced to wearing dunce caps and writing “I will stop being a culturally illiterate twit” on a blackboard ten thousand times. And put a film of that on social media, please.

See also:

9 thoughts on “Dumb and Dumber

  1. The Muses are not amused.
    The Muses, in fact, weep.

    Conservatives suffer from a massive “irony deficiency.”
    And, as a bit of a tangent to that, they’re sure they know what a metaphor is for:
    Cows and sheep.
    (Meadow for – get it?).
    That one got guffaws in HS Honors English!
    Yeah, we were nerds. I know that…

  2. As far as I’m concerned those idiots who wear those MAGA hat are wearing the equivalent of a dunce cap. You couldn’t pay me to wear one of those stupid hats.

  3. When I was a kid our parents told us not to race around in cars because we’d crash. Then one night we crashed. Disabled our car, as well as the biggest truck parked in a local tavern parking lot. When the bartender shouted: “who owns the Blue F-350?”, a mountain of a man angrily stood up. Not fun. Why did we race around like idiots when even we knew it would not end well? Partly because it was exciting. But mostly because we thought our friends would think we were cool.

    This one may need to crash before she figures out she’s not cool.

  4. “Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar is a warning against violence, not a celebration of regicide”

    Context and nuance are not skills possessed by your typical Trumpian Tea-Tard! All they see is what FAUX News, Brietbart and Hannity tell them to see! I wonder if that women realizes how cheap she looks in that picture, it’s almost as if she’s a Character actor in her own B-Movie production!

  5. uncledad,
    More like her own bad Soap Opera:
    ‘The Not So Young and the Mindless.’

  6. I wonder if that woman realizes how cheap she looks in that picture, it’s almost as if she’s a Character actor in her own B-Movie production!

    Which brings me to one of my favorite lines in literature ….and it’s not Shakespeare..
    ” For the price of a drink any man could have her for an evening, so why would one man want her for a lifetime?”
    P.S. That line has nothing to do with Callista.That’s just a coincidence.

  7. it’s almost as if she’s a Character actor in her own B-Movie production!

    It used to be that the dimmer folks among us thought that getting an appearance on Jerry Springer, no matter what the batshit loony reason for it, would be a ticket to reality show stardom. Nowadays it’s the rightwing circuit. Trust me, that woman thinks she’s gonna be a star. The costume is part of it; you have to create a brand look. Remember how the Duck Dynasty guys went from 80s preppy-looking neatly trimmed hair and white linen pants to long hair, beards, and camo? It’s all part of the attempt to make it on the TV machine.

  8. “Julius Caesar” is a warning about demagogic reaction to political violence. These clowns are a demagogic reaction to a warning about demagogic reaction.

    The Bard wrote plenty of plays about wicked kings coming to bad ends. Would running those plays provoke these clowns even more? If so then I say go for it. You wouldn’t even have to give Macbeth or Claudius or Richard III trumpian mannerisms; an orange wig will do.

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