Jeb Is His Own Man, Just Like His Bro

Jeb played at being Presidential Candidate yesterday and trotted out his foreign policy team. Some of these names sound familiar. Paul Wolfowitz? John Negroponte? James Baker? (I thought I remembered reading his obituary; maybe not.) Stephen Hadley? John Hannah? Michael Chertoff? Somehow they’ve missed Douglas Feith — must have been an oversight. There is also George Shultz, whom the Bushies apparently keep preserved in formaldehyde with James Baker.

Someone at Reuters wrote that “His list of advisers suggests a willingness to listen to a variety of views.”  Charles Pierce: 

Yes, drawn from the PNAC gallery, a “variety of views” from A to A. But the real treasure is the list of folks who will be advising Jeb (!) about foreign policy, on which he gave a Really Big Speech setting out his views, which are his views, and have nothing to do with what his half-dim older brother did while screwing up the entire world, so shut up and stop talking about it, and maybe he’s adopted anyway, and…

“I love my father and my brother. I admire their service to the nation and the difficult decisions they had to make,” Bush said Wednesday in Chicago during the first major foreign policy speech of his prospective Republican presidential campaign. “But I am my own man.”

You can’t make this up.

Posted in Jeb