I Couldn’t Watch

I sat through three of the four “pre-Iraqi-election” Bush speeches. I should get a medal for that. I can’t take any more, though.

Commentary can be found here: Ezra Klein, AMERICAblog, and firedoglake.

Here’s a post by Amanda at Pandagon that’s not about the speech, but read it anyway.

Steve Gilliard has two speech posts, here and here. That second one is gonna really piss off the wankers.

Update update: Oliver Willis asks, “Can anyone tell me why he looked like he was directing airline traffic?” I didn’t watch, but other recent Bush TV appearances made me wonder if they’ve adjusted his meds.

2 thoughts on “I Couldn’t Watch

  1. I watched it, though I’m not sure why. I was certain there’d be nothing new in it, and sure enough, there wasn’t. But something — masochism, perhaps? — drove me to watch it anyway.

  2. Just more of the same old bullshit. Bush can’t get honest and he’s shifting the blame for his failure to those who oppose him.If we could only believe! The AP analysis summed it up well…Either you’re with Bush or you’re for defeat. It’s the same rhetoric that was illustrated so aptly by Steve Gilliard in his post comparing Goebbels speech to the German people and Bush’s speech to the nation..It’s our fault…forget how we got into the situation.
    Fuck Bush..He’s a lying sack of shit who decieved a nation in order to indulge in his personal fantasy, There are now over 2000 dead American soldiers and 30,000 plus Iraqis because Bush wanted to wallow in glory. Fuck him! There is no substitute for honesty.

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