Fire Thunder

Via Paul the Spud — the President of the Oglala Sioux Tribe on the Pine Ridge Reservation, Cecilia Fire Thunder, is fighting back against the South Dakota abortion law.

A former nurse and healthcare giver she was very angry that a state body made up mostly of white males, would make such a stupid law against women.

“To me, it is now a question of sovereignty,” she said to me last week. “I will personally establish a Planned Parenthood clinic on my own land which is within the boundaries of the Pine Ridge Reservation where the State of South Dakota has absolutely no jurisdiction.”

President Fire Thunder is taking donations to help build the clinic. What better way to kick the Fetus People in their collective butt?

4 thoughts on “Fire Thunder

  1. I think this question has been asked before, whether S.D. will persecute (I know what I said) women who go to other states to have abortions. The “Irish solution,” to my way of thinking. (I believe it’s still law in Ireland that women who return from having abortions in Britain can be charged with a crime.)

    Also the question arises as to S.D. medical licenses for the doctors who would staff President Fire Thunder’s clinic. I applaud her intention and I wish her the best of luck, but the Fetus Nazis are going to be on the rez in a blink the second her clinic opens. If they understood sovereignty, they wouldn’t be Fetus Nazis.

  2. Re the Irish solution — it’s a lot less of a hastle to take a ferry from Ireland to Britain that it is to drive all the bleeping way across bleeping South Dakota into another state. Especially in winter, I imagine.

  3. maha, you’re preaching to the choir. I live in Nebraska. Still it’d be a hassle to be busted by the Irish Garda the minute you stepped off the ferry coming home, don’t you think?

  4. I want to thank President Fire Thunder for showing true bravery and intelligence while ‘thinking outside the box.’ She is one leader who could teach most of the mainstream ‘leaders’ what it means to actually lead! Maybe if there were more women like Fire Thunder heading nations of all colors, we would have a better world.
    Thank you,
    Jerry Spencer
    Malibu, CA

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