Maybe They’ll Find His Head

President Bush will undergo a routine colonoscopy Saturday and temporarily hand presidential powers over to Vice President Dick Cheney, the White House said. [WaPo]

Juvenile quips welcome. Indulge yourselves.

19 thoughts on “Maybe They’ll Find His Head

  1. Good time for the nuclear strike on Iran, don’t you think? Mad Dog Dick with his itchy finger poised over the trigger… Not a reassuring thought I would submit.

  2. Oops, my snort vanished from the post above.

    I guess my prior experience with colo exams does have me wondering about the Presidential pre-exam purge party. Whoops, there goes everything he knows about governance!

  3. Doctors say they hope to find an earing lost by Harriet Miers and a tooth lost by Alberto Gonzales.

  4. Dang, maha, I was just about to post that joke. Great minds work in the same ruts, as they say. 😉

    Myself, I’m wondering if I could talk my insurance into paying for me to have such a procedure done by a special team at a lovely mountain retreat. I’m sure I’d tolerate it better than if I had to go to a hospital with the rest of the plebians.

  5. you know accidents do happen during colonoscopy?! how far does the cheney evil go? if something went wrong, we got cheney. if i were bush i would wait until out of office.

  6. Wouldn’t it be a hoot if Cheney pardoned Libby while he held the temporary reigns of power. I’m certain that if he did..he’d get away with it knowing that all the American public could do is bellyache and cry foul. The truth is that Cheney knows there is nobody to stand up to him.

  7. Swami, don’t you know that Scooter is a dirty tissue as far as Cheney is concerned; used, discarded, and forgotten. That’s what loyalty is to Dick.

    As for Bush’s surgery, well it’s about time he got to know how the rest of us feel.

  8. All that whinning about the cost of John Edwars’s hair cut, how much does it cost to look up a bush?
    I’m sure everything is purfect, a super human colon and poop-shute if there ever was one.
    Look out Lemmiwinks!

  9. I just saw the video of Keith Oberman’s commentary from last night, which you have a link to Crooks & Liars in the article ‘Mugged by Reality’. It’s a must see. It relates to this post in this way. The Presidential Proctologist has twice as much work to do on Saturday, because Keith ripped the Prez a new asshole. Go see it. (Keith – not the asshole)

  10. As far as Bush being a BIG ASSHOLE, it remind’s me of an old punchline from the ’70’s, of 2 guy’s stuck in a large female body part:
    Find your flashlight to get our way out? Hell, if I could find my car key’s, we could drive out of here!!!
    What are the chance’s of a fatal colonoscopy mishap, and a fatal heart attack happening at the same time?
    I’m sorry, Bill’O,!!! O’rally might take this the wrong way. Sorry I wrote it…
    I just feel sorry for Iran in those couple of hours. Practice your “Duck and Cover” drill’s…
    BTW – Can Cheney eliminate any more of our right’s in those few hour’s? I bet that It can… The blood of Iraqi and American wounded seem to have made the Republican Dracula thrive again. Now, It need’s the blood of Iranian’s to really make freedom rain – bomb’s.
    The more blood, the closer Lynn and Dick seem to be… Lynn must not have been a virgin, because Dick want’s to see blod at every turn

    “Bush and Dick: No wonder we’re all screwed!”

  11. Actually, if anyone wants to find Bush’s head, they will have to do thecolonoscopy on Cheney.

  12. The doctors have been warned not to go all the way in as Dick Cheney’s undisclosed location is still Top Secret.

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