4 thoughts on “Ghoulish Old Party

  1. Off topic but amazing: TomDispatch has

    The Lost Kristol Tapes
    What the New York Times Bought
    By Jonathan Schwarz

    Ellsberg and Kristol On C-SPAN 3/28/2003

    This is just incredible viewing and well worth your time.

    Also off topic is the Economist Article on Barack. “For America’s sake (and the world’s), that bar should now be raised – or all kinds of brutal disappointment could follow”.

  2. The lost Kristol Tapes!

    whew-whooo. Unbelievable, I remember that Washington journal, and how angry I was! But somehow I was able to carry on!

    It is quite interesting to listen (5 years on) to the argument 4 weeks into the war.

    22:30 Kristol implies that only 2000 of Saddams boys are fighting (I believe Cheney referred to these later as dead Enders)

    22:16 Kristol sets the marker: this will be a 2 or 6 month war, not like vietnam

    33:34 Kristol implies we had to invade now, because china and France would never let us start the war with UN mandate (I have heard some right wing arguments that we are in Iraq in 2008 on a UN mandate)

    Anyway I could go on and on.

    Sachem thanks for the link,
    That session may end up being a history class someday, in fact anyone voting for president should see/listen to it. I have made a few attempts to see the entire piece but C-Spans stream always stops at 57:28? I’ll try to see the rest later.

  3. Ohh one more thing about the “Kristol tapes” (the first 58 minutes)

    I thought it was kind of spooky how Brian Lamb allowed two callers to basically threaten Ellsberg’s life (one waxed poetic about his drug induced desire to execute him). In fact after they made such threats Brian asked them more questions? Oh that liberal media!

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