Too Close to Call

I’m not staying up to see results for Ohio and Texas. I guess you’ve heard that Clinton won Rhode Island and Obama won Vermont, which was expected. And it appears McCain officially has the GOP nomination.

See Jeff Greenfield, “Bugs Bunny vs. Daffy Duck.” I’ve always felt the secret to Bill Clinton’s success is that he was Bugs and the GOP in Washington alternated between being Daffy Duck and Elmer Fudd. Well, let’s face it — Obama, not Clinton, is Bugs Bunny in the Dem race.

Jonathan Alter explains that Clinton very likely cannot make up the delegate hole she’s in, even if she wins Ohio and Texas tonight. See also Hilzoy.

6 thoughts on “Too Close to Call

  1. At this writing looks like Clinton is gonna win RI, OH, leading in Texas. I wonder if the status quo will make this thing a disaster. Ask yourself some questions:

    How many times did you see Obama wearing the African (sometimes referred to as Muslim) garb?

    How many times did you hear about “Lou Farrakhan”?

    How many times did your hear that Hillary was the safe bet?

    Was Hillary behind the “Muslim pictures” (or maybe just Limbaugh)

    Who was behind the message?

    When will we stop being goated into being scared of what this country has to offer? The Clintons seem poised to show us, poised to show that maybe change is unattainable. Maybe we are fools to think that our government actually could work for us.

    Just watch the media in the coming days. See how they turn the tables on hope, and set the table for the past. Things have been good for the investor class, they will be well served by the Clintons. If that is what you want, then that is what you will get. We deserve who ever we vote for.

  2. Ohio gives the state to Clinton. Ohio the same folks that brought us George W. Bush in 2004. Hey Ohio thanks for giving us more!

  3. I saw something the other day asking why Ohio is such a bellwether of the nation and I think it is because negative ads work and they work especially well here. Also a LOT of republicans switched tickets yesterday to vote for Hillary. If this can be done in the remaining states then Obama doesnt have a chance. I for one and sick of seeing the results from my fellow Ohioans on these crucial votes. The ONLY thing I have heard for too many years to count about HRC is how much she would screw things up if she ran the show, oh yeah and shes a ***** and she had that one guy killed and now they vote for her.(ps uncledad, a whole lotta people gave us GWB, from the folks who voted for him as governor to the democrats who in large numbers around the nation voted for him in 2000 and 2004. Here in Ohio I think it is a major thing that Repubs voted for Hillary. Course I think it would be funny if she was the nominee because of them and then as more people saw Mccslain they would realize they couldnt vote for him and then they had to deal with HRC as prez now that would be ironic.

  4. I saw something the other day asking why Ohio is such a bellwether of the nation and I think it is because negative ads work and they work especially well here. Also a LOT of republicans switched tickets yesterday to vote for Hillary. If this can be done in the remaining states then Obama doesnt have a chance.

    Wonderful – perfect way to shake up the US, get Rush Limbaugh listeners to support you candidacy.

    And about that 3am phone call bit = for the life of me I just can’t understand how being first lady counts for the best “experience” in the world. She can’t tell us a single thing she actually did in the White House to gain this valuable “experience” (but for the health care mess, which I think could be explained as the Dick Cheney energy policy task force of the health care world). Having Hillary as President is just going to keep us all in this polarized political world that we have lived in since the 1994 Republican Revolution.
    I think that Obama can bring independents and non-ditto head Republicans (the ones who have retained their capacity for independent thought) together as a united front. We all appear to be doomed…

  5. No need to despair, I think …Hillary picked up a net of, what, 15 or 20 delegates? Something close to that anyways. This beside Obama’s 100 to 200 delegate lead (depending on who you ask) as of yesterday…

    And there’s only something like 600 unpledged delegates left. She’d have to win every state, with ridiculously high margiuns, to even catch up with Obama. That’s not going to happen.

    So, Obama’s going to go into the convention with a lead in pledged delegates, a lead in the popular vote, and most likely at least parity in superdelegates ….

    I think Hillary’s done at this point. There’s pretty much no way she’s going to end up being the nominee. The only question is, how much damage can she do between now and the convention?

    Perhaps a lot, perhaps not so much … depends on how good a politician Obama really is. I think Obama is a really very very good politician.

    And here’s the thing… If Clinton were to drop out right now, today … then McCain would just take up exactly where she left off, and the same slams would be coming at Obama, except McCain would have even LESS regard for truth and decency.

    So, while I am highly disappointed by today’s results, the ONLY possible way this can spell doom is if we ALLOW it to spell doom. I, for one, don’t intend to allow it.


  6. Alright Ian, I’ll try to keep my chin up. It would still have been nice if Obama could have won a traditionally deomocratic big state…

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