McCain Wins

If John McCain wins the general election, we’ll be looking at four more years of Bushism — more tax cuts for the rich, more cuts in domestic spending, and war war war. And if he does win, it may be that historians will look back at last night as the night that he won.

He didn’t just win the GOP nomination. Now that Senator Clinton has won the popular vote in Ohio and Texas, she’s going to continue her toxic, smearing, win-at-any-cost strategy to knock off Barack Obama for the next few weeks. As Dan Kennedy says, “From this point on, Clinton can do Obama a lot of damage without necessarily being able to help herself.” This is exactly why Rush Limbaugh urged his listeners to cross party lines and vote for Clinton. (H/t Liza)

This means:

  • Both Dem candidates will be very damaged goods even before the general election campaign starts and the Right smear machine goes into high gear.
  • As long as the media focus is on the Dem campaign, John McCain can hide in the shadows and not expose himself too much. Free ride for him.
  • So, yes, I’m discouraged. See also Ian Welsh.

    As announced yesterday, I’m going to be on (workplace alert: don’t click unless your sound is on mute) Blog Talk Radio today from 1 to 2 pm eastern time. I will be grumpy.