Best of the Web

First, announcements: I’m scheduled to be interviewed (very briefly) on CSPAN, via telephone, at 8:50 a.m. Christmas morning. I figure at least three or four people will be watching CSPAN on Christmas morning, so if a couple of you catch it, that would amount to a significant increase in CSPAN’s viewership.

Posting will be light for the next few days unless something significant happens. So let’s have fun reviewing the best YouTube videos of 2008. This is one of my favorites (I’m a sucker for educational stuff).

If you can think of any videos you saw here or elsewhere you want to nominate, speak up!

8 thoughts on “Best of the Web

  1. If the various “Simon’s Cat” videos are not on any “Best of” list, then that list is defective! If you have not seen them, start at Cat Man Do” and go explore from there.

    In addition, on the musical front, I was caught by this version of the old Simon and Garfunkel song “Only Living Boy in New York” Not new, but noteworthy to me.

    BTW, My friend LOVED the book bag! Thank you.

  2. Merry Christmas Barbara – just wanted you to know I am one of the 4 or more that watched you on Washington Journal – I don’t make many comments any more but I used to on your old site – I still read you though! 🙂

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