20 thoughts on “Minnisota Supreme Court: Franken Wins Election

  1. At last. Some happy news again.

    To celebrate Senator Franken’s arrival, some in DC are thinking seriously about scheduling a substantial public fireworks display for this Saturday.

  2. Coleman conceded. So we don’t need to speculate about Pawlenty not signing the certificate.

  3. Pawlenty should drive Franken to DC in an air conditioned limo, with Coleman as the lawn jockey. What happens to the million bucks the RNC gave Coleman for, what, stalling?

  4. No more excuses for Harry, if he can’t get the votes in line now it’s time to step aside. Having 60 votes will in my opinion expose at least 3 or 4 “democratic” senators for what they really are. No more hiding behind a threatened filibuster for the republicans.

  5. Reading some comments over at Redstate.hate good for a chuckle.

    The thing that really stands out is that for all their belly aching about how the “tax and spend” agenda will ruin this country fast, what they are really afraid of is that the progressive agenda will succeed. If they really thought we were gonna go down so fast you’d think they’d be all for it. All the faster they’d get back in power right? Unless they really do care about the country over political power, naaaa I don’t think so.

  6. “Reading some comments over at Redstate.hate good for a chuckle.”

    Wow! I mean, just WOW!

    DONTTREADONME is a sad puppy.

  7. The filibuster proof threshold for the Dems I believe is about 65, not 60, with the Purple Posse who believe we must compromise with the Repubs. For the Republicans it was actually 55, for much the same reasons.

  8. With all of those lakes in Norms fine state I don’t think he should have any trouble finding one to go jump in, if he needs something to do. I suspect he already has his future all planned out….something on K street perhaps? Or maybe the Norm show on rightwing radio?

    Speaking of right wing radio…Al’s win seems as hard for them as Obama’s …Just so you know… NOW the world as we know it is REALLY over…replacing the world being over message from yesterday..it reminded me of “Henny penny” “The sky is falling! The sky is falling!” ..Now I understand that the target audience for talk radio is not the brightest bulb in the lamp but I can’t get how they eat up the same message everyday and still buy it….talk about putting lipstick on a pig..last week they were declaring the world end over cap and trade if every listener didn’t call their representative..Today poor poor Norm was robbed..evil won in Minn and now the world is doomed.Folks America as we knew it less than a year ago is gone FOREVER.Norm was painted as a patriot who tried to hold back the bad guys as long as he could … he was right and his not being seated in HIS place in the senate was you know, all the fault of liberal activist judges that have no regard to the rule of law or the people… they determined the outcome of the election and ignored the will of the people just for the power and the fine people of Minn should fire them all and replace them with judges who would always rule in favor of republicans…So talk radio sure hopes the people of Minn are happy with the senator that these liberal activist judges picked for their state and that they don’t mind their voted being overruled, cast aside as meaningless..Good thing talk radio is there to tell the fine folks of Minn that they should be angry!

    Yep Al won….but I feel sorry for him… This is a classic case of be careful what you wish for cause you just might get it! No matter what Minn voters end up thinking of Al, he is the rights new whipping boy. And it won’t matter whether he is good at his job or not to that crowd .. they are already splicing words together from ever speech he ever made to form the sentence “Binladen told me to raise your taxes!!!” …my advice to Al….Good luck Sir! Watch what you step in and dress like you were headed to the front row of a Gallager show! The fight you just won to get there? Nothing compared to what you now face. Learn to say less and do more.Everything you say, have ever said, or may even be thought to be thinking can and WILL be used against you..and whatever you do… if you ever suspect foot tapping in the mens room…GET THE HELL OUT!

  9. “DONTTREADONME is a sad puppy.”

    Yeah he has about 25 comments just today starting around noon and just about every 20 mins or so give or take. Aren’t us liberals supposed to be the kazy unemployeds with nothin better to do but rail against the goverment all day?

  10. In a just world, saying “the court decided the elction and ignored the will of the people” would cause their heads to explode. Unbelievable.

  11. This reminds me of how important it is that the justice system not be tampered with, the way shrubs’ posse was doing. Is anything being done about that?

  12. I realize I am approaching wingnut territory with all these posts but I am finding it hard to contain my joy over this decision. Stewart Smalley has beaten an incumbent republican senator! The man is a professional comedian for Christ sake, and he beat a GOP backed incumbent senator!

    FAUX news is really melting down over this, if you remember back when Franken wrote his masterpiece “Lies and Lying Liars” FAUX sued him alleging he stole their moniker “Fair and Balanced” sadly for FAUX it ended much like this election, in bitter defeat!

  13. I realize I am approaching wingnut territory with all these posts but I am finding it hard to contain my joy over this decision.

    Oh, no, I’m right there with ya.

    I keep remembering Franken on SNL oh-so-many years ago, reporting I think from the Iowa caucuses during a presidential election. He’d gone “high-tech” and had a motorcycle helmet on his head, with a mini satellite dish on top of that.

    Yep, I remember that visual, and I start laughing all over again. Scourge of Faux News, the U.S. Senate welcomes you at last!

  14. Justme, I think Franken can handle the barbs and enjoy making them look like fools. He’s had to temper the humor on the campaign trail as he will when it comes to agenda, legislation and policy but his playtime will come in his response to whatever the right-win wackjobs have to say.

    After all, why do you think they are so concerned? …besides the fact that he spit on their Holy Grail, the de-facto head of the Republican Party, ol’ oxycontin lovin’ Rush Limbaugh when he called him a big fat idiot. Imagine, all that just for telling the truth.

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