17 thoughts on “Awesome in Its Own Special Way

  1. He (Glenn Beck)will tell his followers “the place to go” tomorrow night.

    Sounds interesting in an Amish Rake Fight kind of way. At any rate that’s what I’d tell GB’s followers.

  2. Hmmm… And here I thought we were turning into a de’MOCK’racy.
    Live and learn…

  3. oligarhy The sound an intelligent person makes into the toilet, after listening to Glenn Beck for 2 minutes and 2 seconds.

    P.S. I know you meant “in Its Own Special Way” 🙂 because you write in English and Glenn Beck doesn’t.

  4. Joan,
    Your gag reflex is much thougher than mine. Just one second of looking at him, or two seconds of listening to him makes me want to hurl.
    EEECH! Spew, spit, rinse…. EECCHH! Rinse, spew, spit and rinse again…

  5. BTW – Is there not ONE nitiwt on FOX who can help him spell correctly?
    I remember one presentation that I gave as a Trainer where there was one simple word that was mis-spelled, and how horrified I was by that. God, I felt like and idiot!
    Lucky enough for me, the people after me made my stupid mistake look like nothing. Sadly, this didn’t make me feel any better. I still felt like an idiot.
    If I were on national TV and I made that mistake, I don’t know what I would have done…
    But then, I think we’re in a De”MOCK”racy, not an “Oligarhy!” But, then, what do I know?

    PS: I do know that I had to check Beck’s spelling of “oligarhy” about 12 times, juss ot b surr an AH gotit wright, be4 ah rote it abuv.

  6. Today he noted that bloggers were making fun of him for leaving out the “C.”

    He said thanks, liberal bloggers, for pointing out that he forgot to include the Czars.

  7. Oligarhy? I thought he was that Italian poet who sent a ton of politicians to hell.

    Never knew Glenn liked fiction.

  8. If I spend too much time thinking about Glenn Beck my head will explode and I don’t want that to happen.

  9. Gulag, that works. Instead of “Ralph and Ernie” I’ll say, “Scuse me, I need to call Glenn Behhhhhhcccchhhh on the ‘big white phone.'”

    Time to update those old college-era barf euphemisms anyway.

  10. Mr. Beck is insane, plain and simple. He acts like an ADD kid, with his over amimation, he rants about things that do not exist, and he makes up his own reality. Where have we seen this behavior before?

  11. You know his PAs and producers must really think he’s a dick, since NO ONE pointed out his mistake, they just left him out there to dry and once again demonstrate for all how stoopid he is. Thank Gawd for free speech!

  12. I know earlier I said my brain might explode – but whats the deal with the Acorn references? What do they know about Acorn that I don’t? Its a group that hires people to sign petitions and register voters right? I am aware that some of the people have been known to make up names of registered voters because they are paid based on number of people sign up… honestly that doesn’t sound too nefarious to me. Just how exactly is Acorn involved in the plot to take over the world?

  13. This guy is a fucking demented moron. Yeah, life in Obama’s America is pretty tough for this sphincter, I’ll bet. Penthouse in New York, limousine service, best rooms in five star hotels when he travels. Things just couldn’t be worse for him. This mock victimization by a multi-millionaire wears pretty thin after, oh, five seconds or so.

  14. Among the the evil deeds ACORN had done was to convince my wife and I to improve our credit rating before trying to buy a house. They were helping first time home buyers get loans only if they could really afford to. The cads! Undermining the ownership society with house buying seminars that point out the pitfalls of getting in over your head. Damn Commies..:)

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