19 thoughts on “The Republican Jobs Program

  1. I see plenty of jobs, Jobs, JOBS, here!
    To wit:
    -More midwives, for those women having to go through ‘forced labor,’ but who don’t have health insurance. Maybe a midwife will take a chicken, since doctors didn’t seem too keen on that idea.
    -More back alley abortionists. And their staffs.
    -More morticians. And greeters.
    -More people working at the coat hanger factories – if they’re still made here.
    -Tombstone makers and carvers.
    -Grief councelors.

    See, plenty of jobs!

    I’m curious as to what their long term plan for jobs is. You know, in a few decades after all of these unwanted children who were forced into birth grow up – uneducated minimum wage workers and children at “Soylent Green” factories? Oops, silly me, I said ‘minimum’ wage. I meant ‘slave wage.’ My apologies.

    Let’s face facts, the only jobs Republicans care about are their own. Oh, and maybe their cronies, in case they need one sometime as a quid pro quo.

    • Well, look at it this way, c u n d gulag; some day they won’t have to resort to undocumented labor to find people to watch their kids and clean their pools on the cheap.

  2. Saving fetuses and rounding up illegal aliens are the top two legislative priorities in my state. Don’t know how that’ll play out if the fetus is one of them-there “anchor babies.”

    Speaking of crazy… I hear Michele Bachmann is exploring a presidential run! Oh, that would be a good time!

  3. The Republicans have a war on women; and that is the way the next election should be addressed. They do nothing for any one except to keep women down. The Republicans are trying to get their own form of Sharia law in place. The young women of America need to fight back. Now.

  4. -More morticians. And greeters.

    LOL.. Is that greeters in the sense of Walmart greeters, or a funeral parlor greeter? A funeral parlor greeter is a possible employment opportunity that I hadn’t considered looking into..Thanks for the employment tip, Gulag!

  5. joanr16 ..I don’t know the particulars of how the game is played, but what Bachmann is doing, and what Newt is doing also by establishing an exploratory committee for a presidential run is just a way to receive corporate and private money that doesn’t have to have accountability attached to it. It can be used to fill their personal coffers.

    I think I read somewhere that even Bristol Palin formed an exploratory committee for a Presidential run. It’s the vogue thing now..Any Conservative who’s worth their salt knows the mechanics of playing the system in order to bulk up the old bank account balance.

  6. In Texas, a bill passed by the House would require that pregnant women have an opportunity to view a sonogram image, hear the fetal heartbeat and listen to a doctor describe the fetus. While the doctor would be obligated to provide the information, the woman could close her eyes or cover her ears, according to the bill, which doesn’t exempt victims of rape or incest.

    Well, at least they have the right to defend themselves from the assault. I wonder if the guy that crafted that bill was the same guy who coined the phrase “enhance interrogations”. It’s just another form of women battering!

  7. I’ve read that in Michigan, there are a number of anti-abortion bills circulating in the legislature, but one in particular, a Senate bill intends to redefine an “individual” to include a fetus.

  8. Swami, it’s good to know the Texas bill hasn’t progressed to the full Clockwork Orange, where the woman’s eyes would be forcibly held open with metal clamps so that they would have to watch the video. Yet.

  9. http://www.commondreams.org/view/2010/05/09-4

    I have a plan to combat this crap, all I need is several hundred thousand bucks for the advertising canpaign.I need help from Dave Chapelle and George Lopez.
    Together, we’ll fix their little red wagons……..

    Here in Florida, it’s common to see billboards along major roadways in our conservative countys that inform the motoring public how life begins with the first heartbeat.They seem unconcerned about the billion heartbeats that follow.

    Bonnie, I’m begining to think you’re on to something.


  10. Forcing women to become stay-at-home moms and leave the workforce will free up jobs for all of our returning veterans. Their “jobs” plan is to return American society to the 1950s.

  11. Sometimes this gets more than just a little depressing so forgive me if the following sounds totally bonkers. It’s just a passing thought.

    As I have said perhaps too often, when a person’s actions seem insane, the only chance of understanding them is to look for a context in which they are rational. People suffering hallucinations are acting strangely, but often rationally in response to faulty sensory information.

    So the madness at hand makes sense if you look at the state of affairs and the initiatives of the Republicans. It is possible, to make a guess at the goals of the agenda.

    Republicans don’t want to create jobs they want to destroy them. Republicans are not interested in creating successful policy or government, in fact the targeted programs and policies are targeted precisely because they have been successful. Republicans are not interested in a well functioning democracy or republic. They are interested in making government dysfunctional and ineffective. The progression of the meme has been from small government to anti-government and with that achievement the next stage will be that the concept of government, even democracy was flawed and that no type of government CAN be successful. They are not interested in educating the masses, for obvious reasons.

    All of these things work together. If you create an economic crisis and destroy peoples’ economic security, disable the response of the government to create more chaos and less faith in government and turn the different segments of the population against one another, you create a society that will grasp at any remedy that comes to hand. Of course the seeds of the “remedy” have already been sown. Government can’t create jobs, rich people ceate jobs, Rich people are smart and virtuous (God loves them!!). Poor people and people who believe in good government are evil. Freedom and liberty isn’t about civil rights it’s about the freedom and liberty of capital. (We all want to be free to invest our millions and get well deserved billions in return, don’t we? I know I do.)

    The goal is Randworld, the United Corporations of America, Austrian School capitalism at full throttle. There will be two major strata of society, the oligarchy and the servant class. First it will be like Chile under Pinochet and then evolve into something like Mexico if we’re lucky or if we’re less lucky, a depleted state like North Korea, depending on which segments of the economy dominate.

    The scary part isn’t that there are crazy right wingers with an agenda, it’s the fact that they are acting so openly and with confidence. Their message for labor is obvious, “Get out of the way, losers!!”

    Okay, maybe I need to seek professional help. Just to reassure you, I haven’t met any talking toasters or anything like that. But, the coffee maker was looking at me kind of strangely this morning.

    Just kidding, of course.

  12. goatherd,
    Well said by you.
    If you’re crazy, then so am I. I agree 100% with what you wrote. I’ve been thinking the same thing all along.
    And if we are both crazy, then maybe we can find a few more and get a group discount at the looney bin.

  13. The goal is Randworld, the United Corporations of America, Austrian School capitalism at full throttle. There will be two major strata of society, the oligarchy and the servant class. First it will be like Chile under Pinochet and then evolve into something like Mexico if we’re lucky or if we’re less lucky, a depleted state like North Korea, depending on which segments of the economy dominate.

    Oh, that that did not sound sanely credible. But it does.

  14. Well said, everybody. On a different tack, were there to be a SCOTUS in place other than the one that is, would it find it constitutional to effectively disallow carrying out of an established law. Abortions are legal. Disallowing them, in effect, is breaking the law.

  15. Republicans don’t want to create jobs they want to destroy them.

    That’s right, goatherd. The idea is to create more competition in the market place so people will work harder for less. I’m starting to see a pattern where many red state governments are giving businesses tax cuts of about 1.5 billion and taking that same 1.5 billion and cutting it out of education budgets. It makes sense in the respect that a higher profit margin can be generated from a poorly educated work force than a highly educated work force.

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