Three Way Race?

I see that T-Paw has dropped out of the race. I’m not surprised. I say again, no one named Tim will be president in our lifetime.

Conventional wisdom says the nomination is now a tossup among Bachmann, Romney, and Perry. At the moment, I’d say that if one of those three wins the New Hampshire and South Carolina primaries, he or she will have a huge lead toward winning the nomination.

And the GOP establishment will find a way to be sure Bachmann is not one of those three.

Speaking of Bachmann — she’s also against the Renaissance.

See also “Founding Fathers and Federal Debt.”

13 thoughts on “Three Way Race?

  1. It’s clearly a choice of “hear no evil,” “see no evil,” and ‘EVIL!’

    I don’t think Romney qualifies for “Evil,” though I could be wrong about that.

    But I really can’t tell you what the difference is between Perry and Bachmann.

    Both are arrogant morons who are viciously stupid, ignorant, xenophobic, racist, homophobic, misgynistic, and idiotic.
    Both are Dominionist Christians who will put Jesus into the laws via both houses, the exective, and the judicial branches, and make church and state about as closely tied as they were in the Middle Ages, you know, before the Enlightenment that they hate.
    Both are good looking, come wrapped in the flag, and carrying a Bible.
    The ‘evil’s’ in both of them. It’s just a matter of chromosomes between those two, and who gets the most support.

    I hate to say this, but what’s old Jeb Bush doing nowadays?

    • I hate to say this, but what’s old Jeb Bush doing nowadays?

      It’s almost too late for anyone else to come in, unless he’s hoping the primaries will be such a mess that the GOP ends up with an old-fashioned brokered convention. If that’s even possible any more.

  2. Perry, like Palin, is governor of a state that through no work of its own is floating atop a sea of oil.

    Romney, through buyouts and asset-stripping of companies that grew through no work of his own, is floating on a sea of personal wealth.

    Bachman, through no private-sector job-creating work, is insisting the government that has paid her and her husband all their adult lives is floating on a sea of debt.

    I can think of something else that floats, and it ain’t hope!

  3. “what’s old Jeb Bush doing nowadays”
    OMG, how quickly we forget the visceral evil of the PNAC neocon cabal.
    I hope JEB is comfortable in his retirement, not plotting some dastardly plan to get elected POTUS, followed in 8 yrs by his scion, George P.Bush.
    New rules: 1/ no Bush’s in office for 1,000 yrs.
    2/ Prosecute all members of the Bush / Cheney administration for war crimes, strip them of their wealth, and make them pay for their screw-up.

    3/ if a president decides to go to war (or “police” action) it will be required to have one finger amputated from his hand or a hand of the first lady.
    If the war is found to be a mistake, he or she gets the rest of the hand removed.
    Congress will also need to issue a declaration of war, and each congress person will be required to “sacrifice” one finger also.They get to choose the finger.
    This rule will save us a butt load of money, and we can be sure that everyone has a sacrifice, not just “the troops” or the working poor tax payers.
    4/ Christians must swear off the Old Testament stuff, as Lewis Black pointed out, that book belongs to the Jews; Christians MUST follow the Sermon on the Mount and the Beatitudes. Ain’t no “lock ‘n Load Jesus.
    No more running around with a six gun in one hand and a Bible in the other.

  4. Perry is dumber than Bachmann, and than GW (to the extent it’s possible.) Bachmann is intelligent, but so delusional she’s scary. Either one of them as president or vice president would be disastrous.

  5. Hi all. Been awhile since I’ve commented, but I’ve mainly been doing some work around the house, and writing some articles about computer stuff.

    Regarding Bachmann: It’s getting scary. I think there is a good chance she’ll get the nomination, and it’s premature to count her out at this stage. On a personal note, one of my two brothers (both of whom voted for Dubya, twice) just sent me an email saying he thinks that Bachmann is the “most sincere” candidate and he plans to vote for her in the primary. Bachmann is one of those people who, if she didn’t have a job, would be wandering the streets holding up a sign saying “Repent, the end is near, Christ is the answer.” My brother, a lifelong atheist, listens to Fox News and Rush Limbaugh daily, and apparently has adopted Wingnutism as his new religion. So if he can be convinced that Bachmann is the greatest, many far less intelligent voters than him will be easily swayed.

    You seem convinced that the Republican Establishment (Koch Brothers, Wall Street Banksters, etc) wouldn’t “allow” Bachmann to become president. Assuming they can pick and chose who to nominate (that IS possible, in my opinion) Bachmann may suit them, as did Dubya, exactly because she is an idiot and a loon. I never thought that Dubya ran the country – he’d “clear brush” on his Texas dude ranch and play golf, while leaving the running of the country to Cheney and his corporate paymasters.

    Of course, there is always the worry that Bachmann is a “loose cannon” who might decide to start a nuclear war because “God told her” to push the button so all the Christians will be Raptured. You’d think that would worry the banksters, but that assumes that they are sane too. If they were truly sane, they wouldn’t be trying to ruin the world, so I wouldn’t give them much credit. They already have billions – is it sane to want more and turn the USA into a Third World country in the process of stealing every last dime? They are simply incapable for settling for their already very comfortable lifestyle – they seem to relish destroying everything they touch (even the earth’s atmosphere with CO2 emissions), focused only on quarterly results. Is that sane?

  6. “I wish the federal government had defaulted”

    I think that statement is going to be her Achilles heel. It’s one thing for a knucklehead like myself to make such an outragheous statement, but coming from a person who wants the opportunity to lead our nation it’s an indefensibly stupid remark. There is a scripture that says..”from the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks” and that’s exactly what I see with Bachmann.. Her heart,her love or her motivation isn’t directed to the welfare of the American people or otherwise she could not have made such a statement.. Isn’t it clear to any caring person how much suffering and pain would be inflicted on the American public if the desire of her heart ever came to be? I just don’t get it..Has our political system broken down to the point where a candidate for President of the United States can proudly and publicly wish misfortune on our nation and just continue on as if what they said has no consequence or value.

    Bachman’s got a twisted and gnarled psyche and it’s a shame that a large segment of the population can’t see that yet.

  7. I’m reading this and wondering what is being said at GOP country clubs this weekend and in boardrooms during the week. My bet is that Bachmann totally freaks these people out, and they’ll do everything they can to get their boy Mitt to the nomination.

    Michele has already said enough lunatic things to disqualify her in the minds of many. I don’t know if Perry has enough brains to not say stupid stuff, but he and Mitt make a nice looking GOP couple.

  8. erinyes,
    Obviously I was kidding about Jeb. And I agree that the entire Bush family ought to be treated as pariah’s for foisting Little Boots on the country.
    It’s just that if we had to have a Republican President, I might rather have a PNAC neocon cabal loon than a Dominionist Christian one.
    Can you imagine a Perry of Bachmann Administration, and who they would put in charge of various departments like State, DOJ, Defense, etc? They would make John Danforth look like a gay Karl Marx. And never mind covering the hooters on the lady statues, and mr. happy on the male ones, the women ones will be put in burka’s, and the male ones, suits of armour.

    I am deadly serious though, when I say that if Obama loses to anyone other than Mitt (who’ll be bad enough) or Huntsman (who’s got NO shot), we will not recognize the country after one or two terms. They’ll make Little Boots and his stooges look like competent centrists.
    Everyone else on the Republican side is already wrapped in the flag and carrying the Bible.
    There’ll be virtually no seperation between church and state. They prefer the Middle Ages model with religious leaders running governments, and Lords and Ladies running gated communities (castles) with vassels and serfs. The Renaissance and The Enlightenment were far too radical.
    And how far is Randism from Fascism?
    But, no one ever talks about that, eh?

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