Today on CSpan

Apparently this clip was posted on YouTube by Nancy Pelosi’s office.

House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) is the one doing most of the talking. Here is Pelosi’s caption:

This morning, Speaker Pro Tempore Michael Fitzpatrick (R-PA), under orders from Speaker Boehner, refused to allow Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer to speak on the floor and ask for unanimous consent to bring up the Senate bipartisan compromise to extend the payroll tax cut. Whip Hoyer and Congressman Chris Van Hollen are continuing to try to offer the Senate compromise even though Republicans walked off the floor. Once again, Republicans are risking a tax increase on 160 million Americans and the loss unemployment benefits for those who have lost their jobs through no fault of their own.

Steve Benen says the reason the video cuts off suddenly is that the Republicans demanded CSpan turn off the cameras.

17 thoughts on “Today on CSpan

  1. Jeez, and just a few days ago, they were comparing themselves to the “Braveheart” warriors.
    There must have been an alternative ending that I missed. One where after showing their asses, they ran away.

    Or, maybe it wasn’t “Braveheart” they saw, but some little known earlier Gibson movie, ‘Chickenhearts?’

    Maybe they confused that movie with “Monty Python and the Holy Grail”:
    Minstrel: [singing] Brave Sir Robin ran away…
    Sir Robin: *No!*
    Minstrel: [singing] bravely ran away away…
    Sir Robin: *I didn’t!*
    Minstrel: [singing] When danger reared its ugly head, he bravely turned his tail and fled.
    Sir Robin: *I never did!*
    Minstrel: [singing] Yes, brave Sir Robin turned about, and valiantly, he chickened out.
    Sir Robin: *Oh, you liars!*
    Minstrel: [singing] Bravely taking to his feet, he beat a very brave retreat. A brave retreat by brave Sir Robin.

    Jees, the Vichy French were tougher in the face of adversity!

    Well, after a hard first year of f*cking this country up even further, the Republicans have earned their rest!

    Now, it’s up to us to make sure that after November of 2012, it’s permanent.

  2. The Republicans demanded CSpan turn off the cameras.

    It’s not censorship, it’s Freedom Editing.

  3. If you follow the Steve Benen comment to its source, a tweed from X-Span simply says that the Speaker of the house has control of the cameras. This isn’t wild speculation its true. I have to refrain from using military jargon that would melt the spam filter. X-Span is the window ‘We The People’ have into the proceedings of the House, which is supposed to be the chamber of Congress that most represents US! And when those proceedings will embarrass the GOP, the Speaker closes the blinds.

  4. My spellchecker / editor has delusions of grandeur. I typsheC-Span and she (must be a she) changed it to X-Span. Without asking. Sweet became tweed – she’s also a fashion critic. Sorry.

  5. Doug,
    Are you sure it was a “tweed from X-Span,” and not a “Czech?”
    Maybe a pinstripe? 😉

    I’m usually the ‘King of the Typo’s,’ so forgive me for having a bit of fun at your expense.

  6. No offense intended or taken. Especially with stress levels everywhere off the charts, some levity is welcome. I don’t mind been the butt of a few jokes –

  7. Probably like a 50 pound ham in a pair of extra-tiny spandex bicycle shorts.

    You know, kind of like the fat men/women who wear those spandex shorts, but look like they could comfortably carry a case or two of beer on their protruding asses up a few flights of stairs.
    Now this is really OT – but back when those shorts started to become popular back in the late 80’s, before they were banned from the work force, I used to wonder why it was that the women or men you might actually want to see in them never ever wore those stupid shorts, but those who looked like 15 pounds of liverwurst in a 5-pound skin, always did. I guess that proved that they had some brains, as well as a great build.

    And now, back you our regularly scheduled political kvetching…

  8. My late-for-supper dyslexia read “tweed spanx.” Yikes.

    Frankly, I’d like to stuff Boehner’s obese jack-o-lantern head into some tweed spanx.

  9. I gave my spellchecker one more chance. The interesting thing about the position taken by the the House (you can fit your head up there?) is that the Speaker originally supported the Senate compromise. Bohner’s flipped after a conference call when the Tea Party kooks rebelled under the leadership of Cantor.

    Here’s the kicker – Bohner jumped through hoops to prevent the Senate bill from a vote in the House, presumably because there would have been enough GOP defections for the bill to pass. The speculation is that Cantor (with the support of the Tea Party) would have challenged Bohner for the job of Speaker. Self-preservation won out, and Bohner’s went through parliamentary gymnastics to block the vote and adjourn, even having someone standing by to pull the plug on C-span.

    The Senate republicans are furious. The House republicans are obviously divided or Bohner’s could have permitted a vote. The GOP presidential contest is becoming a brawl with less dignity than a cage fight. Its hard for any party to look less organized than the democrats, but the GOP might just pull it off this year.

  10. There’s a line from Robert Burns that seems to fit Orange Julius. It refers to a “wee, cowerin’, timorous beastie” and describes his fear of Cantor.

  11. “a tweed from x-span”
    I think that’s the chick who married the leader of the band Kiss.
    I’m hesitant to google “X-span” for obvious reasons.
    I thought I was the king of typos at this blog. Fat fingers, low light levels, time constraints, and not knowing how to use spell check.
    I with Swami; ‘Gulag- keep it up. My day is a wee bit brighter.

  12. I don’t do too bad with the typos..My problem is leaving out conjunctions when I write..I think they call it conjunctivitis

  13. Swami,
    What was that?
    I’m sorry, I think I was in a comma.
    Either that, or my colon was acting up, or part of it at least – my semi-colon.

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