She’s Not Gone Yet

Michele Bachmann explains the dire consequences of immigration reform.

Immigration reform now, I say.

12 thoughts on “She’s Not Gone Yet

  1. Ya gotta love the conflation of “Republicans elected” with “the Constitutional foundations” of our country. I realize I’m a dirty hippie educated back East, but when I was taught about the Constitution, it didn’t even mention political parties, much less the idea that having Republicans in power was key to the whole system.

    I also enjoy the way she’s just completely conceding that “immigrants” will never vote Republican. None of this “rebranding” for her, I guess. Giving Hispanics the vote means a permanent progressive electorate. Wow.

    If only that were so.

  2. There is something that harkens to the conservative founders. The Southern states displayed a paranoid fear of the threat blacks posed if they were literate, given the chance to communicate freely, or become armed. The ‘us against the darkies’ fear has always been a component of conservative philosophy.

    What she doesn’t admit is that the war is lost. Among Americans under 5 – whites are a minority. Time alone makes the evolution inevitable. The only hope for the GOP is to change their brand – not just cosmetics – and there is still no sign they can appeal to Hispanics – to women – to people who aren’t white and frightened or millionaires trying to expand their fortunes.

  3. For some reason I can’t hear a word she says. It’s sort of like trying to have a conversation with Cyclops and being so focused on comprehending his eye that you can’t simultaneously comprehend what he’s saying. It’s weird. Like she’s an enchantress, but not in the good sense.
    That Gadsden flag in the background that was leaning against the wall was a major distraction. I can’t figure out if it’s a prop or she normally has her Tea party battle flag constantly at the ready. Then I get thoughts of flag etiquette and how she can be so disrespectable to a flag that is supposed to represent and honor the values that she holds dear? Whether I agree with the tea party or not, I can’t see treating a flag that way.. Maybe leaning a starting flag for the Indy 500 up against the wall might not be disrespectful, but any flag that embodies the ideals of America and conveys the struggle and history of our great nation should be afforded a bit more respect than just being tossed up against the wall.

  4. Immigration has been Obama’s Secret plan all along!
    To have this country ruled by Democrats and Progressives, forevermore!
    Wait, you’re telling us this NOW?!?!?!

    Am I to assume, Congresswoman Bachmann, and other members of the Republican Party, and your mouthpieces on FOX and Reich-wing talk radio, that you have been lying to all of us for years and years!!!
    Trying to hide his REAL Secret Agenda from us?

    And now, more than 6 months AFTER he wins reelection, after 5 years of different stories you finally decide to reveal that immigration was his REAL Secret Plan.

    What happened to the first story, that his Secret Plan was to make this country a Socialist, then Fascist, then Communist, then back to Socialist, settling finally on his wanting this country to be a Totalitarian Atheistic Secular Humanistic state, because of Obamacare?

    And then, you told us his Secret Plan was that he wanted a Muslim Caliphate based on Sharia Law.
    And after that, you said his Secret Plan was to take away all of the patriots guns, and the round up the Tea Party members, and put them all in FEMA camps – with the motto over the gate, being, “SSDI Macht Frei!”
    And recently, you’ve been telling us that his Secret Plan was to Gay Marry everyone, and put us under the rule of Gay Fascist Immigrants.
    Why, oh why, didn’t you tell us it immigration, was his real Secret Plan.

    Oh, wait…
    You’ve been right all along, and have been trying to tell us in bits and pieces, but you were afraid of what that TotalitarianWussieDictatorWeaklingThug Obambi the Usurper, would do to you, if you told us all at once.
    Oh, thank you, Congresswoman Bachmann, and others in-the-know, for finally spilling the beans on what you’ve known all along, but couldn’t reveal without having drones dropped from they sky, onto your carefully coiffed heads. Congresswoman Bachmann, after the smoke from Obama’s drone clears, your martyred bit and pieces will be buried with full military honors, and the largest statue of Jesus in the world, will be erected at the spot.
    Obama didn’t just have a “Secret Plan.
    MarxLeninStalinHitlerMaoCastroChePolPotObama had a “Secret-Secret-Secret-SECRET Plan! A “Quadruple Secret Plan!!!!”

    A plan to turn this country into a Totalitarian-Socialist-Fascist-Communist-Secular Humanist with health care for all-Muslim based on Sharia Law-With newly unarmed patriots and Tea Partiers in FEMA Camps-With Gay Married Immigrants as our Overlords, State.

    Yeah, it all makes sense now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Sorry, but I gotta run.
    Need to go to Sam’s Club (not that Communist Costco place), and get enough aluminum foil to wallpaper the house, and then call to disconnect the phones, cable, and the internet, to keep Obama’s drones from finding me.

    If a tall, heavy set man, with a limp, wearing a tin-foil hat, and an aluminum suit and tie approaches to you, and whispers, ‘WOLVERINES! (though how you whisper something in all caps with an exclamation point is beyond me right now – but I’ll have plenty of time to figure it out, with nothing to watch, and no one to talk to),” DON’T mention my name, just give the counter sign – on the first hand you show me, raise the middle finger, and on the second, form an “O” with your thumb and middle finger. If an Obama drone has blown off one of your arms by then, just use one hand, quickly.
    Oh, crap, I shouted that!
    What’s that buzzing noise I hear, overhead outside the house?

  5. It’s sort of like trying to have a conversation with Cyclops and being so focused on comprehending his eye that you can’t simultaneously comprehend what he’s saying…. Like she’s an enchantress, but not in the good sense.

    Oh, man. Priceless!

    Who was it turned men into pigs? Circe? Maybe that’s who MB really is?

  6. Oh, dear. It looks like Gulag has been pushed past the brink by witnessing Maximum Bachmann!

    Let’s hope he recovers after he passes out from thirst for refusing to drink fluoridated water. 🙂

  7. biggerbox,
    The only reason that I don’t drink fluoridate water, is that I’m waiting for Stoli to come up with a Fluoride-flavored vodka.

    The whole idea of Fluoridation comes from the Commies, or so the John Birch Society told everyone, so, I want my Fluoride coming from the source!

  8. I must have missed Obama’s big amnesty push. But I gotta say, for once, I hope, Bachman is right. Amnesty will take back the House, keep the Senate and the presidency. I’m all for it then, for no other reason. But knowing her track record on most anything I know the opposite will likely be true.

  9. though how you whisper something in all caps with an exclamation point is beyond me right now – but I’ll have plenty of time to figure it out, with nothing to watch, and no one to talk to

    Are you serious, Gulag? You’re talking basic shit. Stop and think.. you’re wearing an aluminum suit in the middle of June. Aluminum has an ionic radius of 0.005mn so whispering in all cap shouldn’t be a big mystery. The exclamation point is a little troubling though.. just consider it a sequential anomaly probably due to a solar flare.

  10. OT..I know you liberals don’t care…But today is flag day! It’s intended to display and honor Old Glory.. not your rainbow flags or United Nations flag or your Greenpeace flag.. Just Old Glory.

    Won’t be long before we’re celebrating..Dia de Bandera.

  11. She does have a talent, who else could be so convincing as both an Oracle and a Loon at the same time! She came in ninth HERE!

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