
I got home, flipped on the TV and saw Claire McCaskill announcing she has won. This is a great surprise. Talent hasn’t conceded, nor has Allen in Virginia, although Webb has claimed victory also. But if McCaskill and Webb truly have won, this means we just need one more Senate seat to take the Senate, and right now it looks as if Montana could do it.


CNN is saying that the Dems have picked up 25 House seats, but MSNBC says more. Great.

Update: MSNBC projects McCaskill the winner in Missouri, with 89% of votes counted, and Talent has conceded. It’s official. So now control of the Senate is up to Montana and Virginia.

Hey, Karl, how you doin’? Havin’ fun?

10 thoughts on “Whoa

  1. Oh god please

    Oh god please let them hold this administration’s feet to the fire.

    I’m over in the UK — stayed up until 1:00 AM our time to catch as many results as possible and woke up this morning to see Webb’s acceptance speech.

    Oh — and I just heard the American Ambassador say that there won’t be any gridlock in Washington this THIS president because he’s a “conviction politician” . Let’s just see what happens…

  2. maha,

    One thing I have learned this election evening. It seems like the people have finally spoken. What do you suppose took them so long?

  3. This night (er-morning) just gets better by the minute (er-second).

    McCaskell claims victory before Talent concedes. Then Talent concedes.

    Foley related: Negron concedes and Reynolds claims victory (grr).

    But at this point, I think I’m starting to see repeats. Weird night. But all good for us.

    Happy Days Are Here Again!!!

  4. It’s looking good for us, like we may actually have also won the Senate (depending on recounts, won’t know till tomorrow).

    I feel a unity with so many people watching this with us on the planet: UK: Cheering Can Be Heard Around The Planet.

    I think so many have been praying for America to come to its senses.

  5. I am so glad the chance of some balance has been restored, but I think Karl hasn’t gotten to the bottome of his bag of nasty tricks just yet.

  6. I really like the ‘irridescent miracle’ term Juan Cole used:

    “Given the giant berms the Republicans had built against any Democratic rebound, and the viciousness with which raptors like Delay, Weldon, Rove and Abramoff went for the soft underbelly of the democratic system, it is an irridescent miracle that the Democrats have taken the House.”

    Yes! The sun is shining today, and reflecting through myriad Democratic gems after soooo many long days of Republican overcast policies of gloom and doom.

  7. Boy, if Karl hasn’t gotten to the bottom of his nasty tricks, I can’t imagine what’s coming down the pike. Photoshopped pics with Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid in compromising positions? I think the anti-gay marriage votes have run their course. They have proven to be not affective in swaying the vote. In WI that and an advisory referendum on capital punishment both passed handely (59-41 I believe for the gay marriage ban) but the governor went Dem, we picked up a congressional district out of ‘Red’ Green Bay, and the state senate flipped to Dem from republican. In AZ the gay marriage ban failed, but Kyl was re-elected.

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