7 thoughts on “Poppy

  1. I don’t think it sad. I think it was a beautiful expression of respect and love for his son. I somehow feel his emotion was prompted in part by the pain caused him by his prodigal son. You know, the one in rebellion, the one who squandered our inheritance, and who is incapable of accepting anything near a defeat with graciousness.

    Except for his over zealousness in the Terry Chaivo circus and the passing of Terry’s law, Jeb has been a good governor and a decent and honorable man.

  2. I figure Poppy was really crying because he realized the Bush dynasty was over. Jed was the next annointed one and brother George messed it up.

  3. The Huff Post had an article (I’ve forgotten who wrote it) with the headline
    “Why Big George broke down over Medium George” with the gist of it being that little george is a failure.
    Anyhow…the headline made me chuckle.

  4. Jeb is a PNAC’er
    His chance at the presidency is, as Olbermann showed last night, slim to because of “Bush fatigue”.
    The Bush family has brought much pain to the world, good riddance to them.

  5. Pingback: The Mahablog » Poppy II

  6. Except for his over zealousness in the Terry Chaivo circus and the passing of Terry’s law, Jeb has been a good governor and a decent and honorable man.

    In 2000 he and his Secretary of State should obviously have recused themselves from making any decisions in the federal election — he did not. This is not the action of a decent and honorable man.

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