5 thoughts on “Almost Live From New York

  1. Sweet Jesus!!!
    If only ficton were stranger than truth…

    Or, is it truth stranger than fiction?

    Sorry, hard to tell anymore…………….

  2. I wonder how many people watching realize that toward the end, she was using Palin’s actual words, which means that actual, professional comedians could barely come up with anything more of a joke than Palin herself.

    I did like the made-up lines about that goofy evolution museum, and Bono, King of Ireland.

    And the “I want to phone a friend” line? Brilliant commentary on the whole TV show pretense that is her candidacy. It can’t be for real, it must be a game show, and yet, sadly, this is real life.

  3. Oh puhleeze, I blank out when asked what I had for lunch an hour after eating it. And SOMETIMES looking at the person while attempting to remember increases the odds I simply won’t – ever again.

    “In her own words.”

  4. It is Palin’s misfortune that she bears such a strong physical resemblance to the most gifted comedienne of our time. It is a shame Nixon didn’t look a little more like Belushi — it might of saved us forty years of national regret.

  5. It’s difficult to know who was funnier – the Palin comedienne or the woman playing Katie Couric. The latter has studied seriousness in the face of stupidity down pat. While Palin is an obvious target, and very target rich, Katie Couric is overdue for her own send up. The two are wonderfully paired in this video.

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