It’s All About Freedom

George Lakoff makes a good point here —

Health means life. If you get a major illness or injury and cannot get it treated adequately, you could die. And tens of thousands do.

Health means freedom. If you have a serious illness or injury and cannot get it treated, your freedom will be limited in many ways. Your physical freedom: you may no longer have the freedom to move around. Your economic freedom: you may not be able to work or your medical bills may impoverish you. Your emotional freedom: you will not be free to live a happy life.

Too many of us have, to one extent or another, bought into the libertarian fallacy that only government interferes with “freedom.” Probably nothing (next to being dead) reduces personal freedom more than an impaired brain or body. After that comes poverty, which reduces your choices and dictates you spend your time doing whatever you have to do to survive.

The most egregious example of non-freedom in American history, the institution of slavery, was not conducted by government. It was protected by government, but only because slave-owning citizens demanded that their “property rights” be protected.