What Makes Newt Run?

For that matter, what makes Herb Cain or anyone else who doesn’t have a snowball’s chance in hell of being nominated, even as a Republican, run for president? The standard answer is that the campaign will generate considerable publicity, either for themselves or their pet causes, and this in turn will generate money-making opportunities or furtherance of their causes, or both.

But in Newt’s case, it’s unlikely his quixotic campaign will make his name any more recognizable that it was already. He’s already forged a lucrative post-politician career, making speeches and publishing books and appearing regularly on Fox News. Also, can anyone (including Newt) articulate what his “cause” is? Beside Newt?

It was alleged in the comments to the last post that Newt is running to raise money for himself. It’s illegal for a candidate to use campaign money for personal purposes, even if the campaign has ended. Of course, Newt has a history of playing fast and loose with donations. Allegations of using donations to PACs and other nonprofits for partisan purposes drove him to resign as Speaker of the House way back when.

But the laws have been tightened, and the FEC and other regulatory authorities seem to be investigating and prosecuting possible misuse of campaign funds pretty vigorously; think John Ensign and John Edwards. I don’t think Newt would get away with tapping into campaign donations as a source of income these days, even after considerable laundering.

And the fact is, he isn’t getting donations. Even money to his once-respected American Solutions PAC has dried up. Even if he thought his presidential run would enhance his brand and make him a more valuable commodity, it appears just the opposite is happening. (“It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open one’s mouth and remove all doubt.” — attributed to Abraham Lincoln)

I think Newt genuinely believes he is a Great Man who deserves to be recognized as such by a fawning public. He may have believed that if he became a candidate, movement conservatism would swoon at his feet the way it did in 1994. Instead, it has passed him by.

See also — more on Callista’s bling.