Now They Agree With Us

You’ll be glad to know that, twelve years too late, even most Republican presidential candidates agree the Iraq War was a mistake.

Politicians hoping to be president rarely run ahead of public opinion. So it’s a revealing moment when the major contenders for president in both parties find it best to say that 4,491 Americans and countless Iraqis lost their lives in a war that shouldn’t have been waged.

Even Mo Dowd has seen the light.

It is simply not true, as Republican presidential aspirant Scott Walker said on Friday, that “any president would have likely taken the same action Bush did with the information he had.”

That’s not giving enough credit to W. and his frothing band of Reservoir Dogs.

It took a Herculean effort of imagination, manipulation and deception to concoct “the information” that propelled the invasion, occupation and destruction of a country that had nothing to do with 9/11.

And tell us what you wrote back then to clarify matters, Mo. I’m having a hard time remembering.

5 thoughts on “Now They Agree With Us

  1. I seen to recall the dysfunctional whack jobs that executed 9/11 were most Saudis, a so-called “ally”.

    And, of course, Relublicans are incapable of arriving at rational endpoints in real time.

  2. Maureen Dowd has decided to back a different horse in the GOP primary, so she’s free to swing a heavy club of the target is a front-runner and not the anointed one.

  3. But the Repugnants are not set up to do things any differently than W did. I have asked myself which ones of them have the vision, perspective, and speaking chops to sell anything beyond Gohmertism. I have not found one that seems capable of the presidency.

  4. I have not found one that seems capable of the presidency.

    Bill…It’s just a matter of lowering the bar on your expectations. The Repugs have diminished the honor and acceptability for the office of the presidency to the point where just having a pulse would be a sufficient qualification to hold that office. And if they have a personality that makes them the type of person you might want to have a beer with…then they’re destined for greatness in the eyes of the GOP.
    Look at Romney’s candidacy … the audacity of the GOP to try and foist that fraud on the American public just shows how minimal the Repug’s expectations are. Romney gave meaning to the phrase — an empty suit.

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