I Am (Blue-Collar White) Woman, Hear Me Roar

I’m reading that a big part of President Obama’s lead in battleground states is coming from blue-collar white women. This is a group that usually leans Republican, so demographic-watchers are taking notice.

The real wonder, to me, is why this group ever preferred Republicans. Much credit is being given to the effectiveness of President Obama’s ad campaign, in particular the ones playing up Romney’s “47 percent” remark. And there’s probably something to that. Low-income white women are, I suspect, less likely than the menfolk to kid themselves that Romney wasn’t talking about them.

Bottom line: Romney is a Suit. He is a pure and distilled Suit. He has Suitness coming out of his pores; everything about him just plain screams Suit. And low-income women generally learn from experience that nothing good ever comes from Suits.

Further, the Democrats finally have clearly distinguished themselves as being pro-legal abortion, pro-Planned Parenthood, and pro-contraception benefits, while Republicans take the opposite position. Low-income women often live one pregnancy away from absolute ruin.

And, um, equal pay for equal work, anybody?

And blue collar women are most often in jobs that don’t pay health benefits, and getting health care for themselves and their children is a constant worry. They don’t see government programs as “dependency” but survival. They may not understand how “Obamacare” is going to work, and they may be afraid of it or skeptical it’s going to change much. But neither do they have much incentive to want to preserve the status quo. And Republicans look like a party of, by, and for Suits who want to preserve the status quo for the benefit of Suits.

And what else are the Republicans offering? Ralph Reed being crazy.