
This morning it seems the right sidebar has disappeared, taking the blogroll with it. Well, shoot. (Update: The WordPress Fairy brought the sidebar back! Yay!)

Following up the New York Times story about Tenet to The Dick to Scooter–Jane Hamsher at firedoglake points out that last year Cheney was interviewed by Fitzgerald under oath.


And Jane figures that the reason Fitzgerald needed testimony from Matt Cooper and Judy Miller “to counter Scooter Libby’s testimony that he first heard about Valerie Plame’s identity from journalists.” Jane continues,

Also from the Times article:

It also explains why Mr. Fitzgerald waged a long legal battle to obtain the testimony of reporters who were known to have talked with Mr. Libby.

The reporters involved have said that they did not supply Mr. Libby with details about Mr. Wilson and his wife.

In other words: the testimonies of Cooper and Miller were necessary to bust Libby in a lie.

It appears there is some question about whether Mr. Cheney was under oath. I do recall that Bush was not interviewed under oath, but I don’t know about Cheney.

Update: In other news–The Iraq draft constitution has been approved. I’ll probably write some commentary on this later today.

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