11 thoughts on “War on Christians

  1. What next, the Inquisition? It seems the next logical step in protecting this “version” of Christianity.

    Boy, I wish Jesus could react to what’s being done in his name.

  2. My guess if the christians wanted to say what they have to say, but in the right setting and in the right way (i.e. respectfully) it may even be seen as protected speech. But the Christians want the right to harass and intimidate people with their speech. Wear “God hates fags” t-shirts around campus and yell things like “AIDS is god’s judgment on fags”. The belief is protected even the speech is protected, but not the manner in which it is done. Christians who practice this form of Christianity simply do not get this.

  3. Christians who practice this form of Christianity simply do not get this.

    Jesus didn’t ask me to speak for him, but I can’t imagine that is any form of Christianity. It may call itself that, but there the association ends.

  4. Let me see if I understand this: Religious folks feel if they are not allowed to scream out”faggot”, that they are somehow being denied the right to practice their religion?

    For the sake of this post at least, lets assume there is a God.I can’t prove there is one, you can’t prove there is not, so none of us really knows, but just say the fundies are right and there is a God.According to the bible, we are all God’s children and he loves us all equal.I don’t recall an exception for God’s gay children, or for arabs, or even for liberals.I can’t imagine the God I have read about in the bible, supporting the fundies and their “God hates fags” rallies..

    Truth be told, I believe in something from about every religion, and I think each one holds lessons we could all stand to learn, both Good and bad.So I would love to meet the righties where they live on this issue, because they are on the wrong side of their God in a major way.

    On issues like this , and abortion , the rubber really meets the road and on a second one can tell a true christian from a fundie in a blink of an eye, and no one else seems to notice or call them to the mat over it.

    For example,according to the fundies,homosexuality is a sin.But so is , say, a child stealing a cookie from the cookie jar; yet no church has gone out of it’s way to ban,degrade or wear “God hates cookie stealers” tee shirts.Sins don’t come in degrees and if they are to ban homosexuals from church why not all sinners? Why has society decided being gay is the one sin we cannot live with, instead of say,child molesters?

    I was raised Lutheran,I attended Lutheran school, where religion is the primary focus of study, so I know my way around a bible,I know the catacism from friggin memory(memorizing one chunk a day was required)…and we all know about the “7 deadly”…but no where have I read that being homosexual is any worse of a sin , then say, being divorced or using birth control…or being a friggin cookie stealer(which is REALLY a choice and not something one is born to do).

    I suggest to any “christian” fundie who may happen to read this, that you clean your own house of all sin before you worry about others.I wonder how a fundie has time to worry about the sins of others rather than save themselves, because according to the bible we all fall so short of glory in Gods eyes.

    Its a damn shame if there is a God , cause to be frank, the kind of people who are suing for their right to “express” their religous beliefs by wearing “God hates fags” shirts are truely giving God a bad name….imagine how broken hearted and angry you would be if someone used your good name to promote hate….I have learned, as I told the local pastor when he stopped by looking for new members,to spot a christian not by where they go to church, but by whats in their heart.When he told me his church was pro war, anti choice and didn’t tolerate homosexuals, I told him he wasn’t much of a christian at all, but thats ok, because he wouldn’t like heaven, what with all the gays,peaceniks,aborted fetus’s and liberals…..he was SHOCKED…I promised to pray for him to get over that shock.

  5. I would argue that Jesus does ask us to speak for him in certain situations. I’m not taking the current religious rights position on the issues but part of what we’re dealing with is the tradition and even the teaching to ‘go and make disciples’ as well as stand up for the ‘widow and the orphan’. Both instances of ‘speaking for Jesus’. I would agree that the association of Christianity and the Religious Right is in name only. The teachings on social issues and standing up for the down trodden and helpless is much stronger than the teachings on gays and certainly than on abortion.

  6. I would argue that Jesus does ask us to speak for him in certain situations.

    Good point, and I do speak up for Jesus from time to time. But as I’m a Buddhist I prefer that Christians take the lead on that one.

  7. True Christianity doesn’t exist. Everything they do is opposite to what Jesus would do. I think some bizarre force has compelled them all to worship the devil wearing a crucified Jesus suit. A bunch of people worried that they won’t be able to spit on another bunch of people in public without being marginalized?

    Wouldn’t it be ironic if the rapture really did come and everyone but the Christians were whisked into heaven?

  8. My favorite song in bible school went:
    We will work with each other,
    we will work side-by-side.
    And we’ll guard each person’s dignity,
    and save each person’s pride.
    And they’ll know we are Christians by our love, by our love,
    Yes, they’ll know we are Christians by our love.

    Beautiful ideals.
    All of the religions I know of have some beautiful ideals.
    But the way they are practiced in the crucible of the world?
    What god or gods or spiritual entity could support it?
    I’ve been an atheist for many, many years.

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