11 thoughts on “Damn

  1. Maybe we should be thankful they don’t have a Kerry or Tsongas to throw our way, because you know they would if they could.

  2. For both parties, the nomination is a free-for-all. If you are real old, the expression is Donnybrook. Brings to mind a bar fight, where everyone is hitting whoever happens to be in reach.

    I disagree that Senator Clinton is going to be crowned Miss Inevitable. She is going to have to fight for the nomination and it will proabably be a month before we know. I heard this afternoon that the weather in NH was in the 50s, so that may have helped the turnout of older voters, a Clinton demographic.

    One other stat: the turnout was a record high in NH for Democrats, but lower for Republicans than 4 years ago. As a party, Democrats are more energized.

  3. Bear this in mind:
    NH: “First in the nation” (with corporate controlled secret vote counting)
    81% of New Hampshire ballots are counted in secret by a private corporation named Diebold Election Systems (now known as “Premier”). The elections run on these machines are programmed by one company, LHS Associates, based in Methuen, MA. We know nothing about the people programming these machines, and we know even less about LHS Associates. We know even less about the secret vote counting software used to tabulate 81% of our ballots. People like to say “but we use paper ballots! They can always be counted by hand!”

    But they’re not. They’re counted by Diebold. Only a candidate can request a hand recount, and most never do so. And a rigged election can easily become a rigged recount, as we learned in Ohio 2004, where two election officials were convicted of rigging their recount. (Is it just a funny coincidence that Diebold spokesman is named Mr. Riggall?)

    We need to get the count right on election night. Right now, nobody in New Hampshire, except the programmers at LHS Associates and Diebold Election Systems, knows if we are getting it right or wrong. Our state officials and representatives know this. They learned all about it when computer security specialists Harri Hursti and Bruce Odell testified before the legislative subcommittee on e-voting in September 2007 (Hursti’s testimony is shown in this video). Scientific reports about the vulnerabilities and risks with Diebold optical scanners have been available since 2003.

    We love our state. It takes courage and strength to admit where we are going wrong and to fix it. May our state officials and representatives find that courage and strength soon. Before we lose the other 19% of our votes.

  4. McCain and Hillary both. Hoo boy, what cool aid are they drinking there. Of course, Huck and Obama in Iowa were not much better choices. Good bye America, you have lost your mind. The coming depression should finish you off, but you probably won’t even know how it happened. You only need to nationalize the Fed and take back your currency, thats your only hope.

    But those going against the private international banking powers that be, who have created financial crisis after financial crisis, and funded and pushed for wars and more wars, tend to meet with unpleasant endings, so it is unlikely anyone in power will have the guts to address the real problem.

  5. I’m glad New Hampshirites confounded the press and the pollsters. I don’t want to have either of those groups deciding who is elected, finally.

  6. All evening long reporters kept saying when the college town votes were counted it could swing Obama’s way? What happened? Did they vote for Hillary? If so, I think this primary may be an indication of something bigger than just one primary.

  7. I was just glad to see the look of disbelief and confusion on Chris Matthews face !
    Seriously though, the polls were all dead wrong on this , Hillary is slightly ahead now, she will still work hard for every vote, she has never claimed ” inevitability ” .
    I still do not understand the big objection to a Clinton redux , are we to be led by 18-25 yr olds ?

  8. I want to give voice to some of the reasons I do not favor Clinton.

    She’s the Democratic candidate of the Democratic rich. How do I get that?

    “She has asked her top tier of supporters, the “HillRaisers,” to raise at least $1 million each from other donors-10 times the amount that George W. Bush’s “Pioneers” were asked to raise in 2000.”

    She has raised over 300K from business PACs, compared to Obama 3K, though the total money raised is comparable.

    Percent from donors $200 or less:

    Clinton 13%
    Obama 25%
    Edwards 28%

    Got that? Working stiffs are giving to Edwards & Obama at TWICE the rate they are giving to Clinton.

    Percent from Donors $2300 or more

    Clinton 63%
    Obama 46%
    Edwards 39%

    My opinion from that: Clinton is queen of the Democratic aristocracy. It’s no accident she is so good at collecting money from the top tier; that’s her base.

    One last observation: though evryone says Obama is vague, he (and Edwards) has said that he would raise the cap on Social Security, so the rich would pay more as one leg of stabilizing SS. Clinton will NOT say what she would do!

    She has done way too much to enable Bush in this war.

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