6 thoughts on “More Self-Parody

  1. OMG! Honor and dignity to the White House? W? Of all the things you could say in his defense… honor and dignity? Whoa.

    Maha, aren’t you afraid you’ll hurt your brain reading stuff like that? The human mind can only withstand a certain amount of such insanity…

  2. Why would this Don Surber guy post something like this? Is he trolling for enraged Dem comments or is this guy really sincere? (Yeah, I read all the comments too – oof, apparently Clinton & Monica was the height of immorality yet Jeff Gannon sleeping over 150+ nights is A-OK) I wish I knew what Surber’s day job was so I could be certain he & his ‘vision of reality’ could never affect me & mine, i.e., if he was a pilot there’s no way I’d get on his plane…

  3. Why would this Don Surber guy post something like this?

    This is typical Surber. He genuinely believes what he writes. He lives in a land of cluelessness beyond cluelessness.

  4. How does he manage to live in a bubble like that? I would guess he is wealthy, lives in an ‘exclusive’ community, all his travel is by private auto or plane and the only ‘news’ this person gets comes from Fox & talk radio – does that sound about right?

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