Amazing Double Live Blog!

Tune in tonight for an attempted double live blog of the veep debate. The Mahablog technical assistance and design team (my daughter, Erin) will be updating one post, and I’ll be updating another. Thrills and chills! Maybe spills!

3 thoughts on “Amazing Double Live Blog!

  1. Well let me announce my bias before hand. I’m hoping Palin takes a major belly flop so that undecided voters can see what I’ve already seen. I have no qualms against Palin as a women, hockey mom,.den mother, Governor, or whatever hat she chooses to wear,but when she sneers with contempt against the democratic process of voters questioning her qualifications, and projecting her candidacy as a divine appointment..I find myself hostile to what she represents.

    Her little Troopergate episode stands as a beacon to her true character. She’s now running at full speed to out pace her lies. From a situation where she could have admitted she acted improperly..and that would have been the end of it… To where she now has to hold the lid on a bubbling cauldron of lies.

  2. Swami you will have to wait another day for her belly flop. She did okay, with what she had to work with. I don’t think I could sell the Bush-McCain plans either.

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