22 thoughts on “Genuinely Twisted

  1. I miss George Bush too…I’m having a Glenn Beck moment and I can’t type right now…I iss grore busj!

  2. “For all that he disappointed me, I miss George W. Bush. I really do.”

    I thought nothing could top that until I clicked on a link on one of her commenters.

    “We are now officially committed fans of George W. and Laura Bush. We are fans of Dick Cheney. Our gratitude for them makes us newly protective of them, and the continued role they play in this country.”

    Teh stoopid – it hurts! – make it stop, please, please make it stop!!!

  3. Behold…You are witnessing the tender sprouts of George Bush’s blossoming greatness. And I thought it would be at least a complete generation come to pass before the rays of his glory shined on mankind. Little did I know!

  4. Swami – and I’m sure the same alternate history will undoubtedly tell us that Rupert Murdoch single handedly saved this country (whatever R.M. decides to call it) from a descent into tyranny and the evils of European socialism. :^)

  5. From the blogger’s “About Me” page:

    I then returned to geo-politics serving as Assistant Foreign Policy Advisor to Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu in 1997-1998.

    Ah yes, Bibi the Sleaze. That explains a lot… except just how Dubya “disappointed” her, since her standards are so very low.

  6. Behold…You are witnessing the tender sprouts of George Bush’s blossoming greatness. And I thought it would be at least a complete generation come to pass before the rays of his glory shined on mankind. Little did I know!

    Swami, you got me crying tears of laughter! And I didn’t need any vaseline.

  7. Looks like for her your either for Israel or against Israel…like any DFH liberal would be. She is not the cartoon caricature that Beck, Coulter or Bachman is, but rather an authoritarian tribalist who sees no reason not to fight until the last “Other” is dead.

    I guess that is why the President triggers contempt and disgust from those folk. He has lived in two racial worlds and learned to be at ease, inclusive, even- tempered and thoughtful. When they project onto his self-containment THEIR stuff comes out: deceit, manipulation, conspiracy, and oh by the way, how could any negro not want to kill all us whites off because, well, you know…we have to do it to them.

    Cue The Youngbloods: “Come on people now, smile on your brother. Everybody get together try to love one another right now.“

  8. 0h, my, too too funny!! “Limp wrist”? I hope this poor person feels this pain for another 7 years

  9. I’m speachless when I meet true stupidity and ignorance. What could you ever say to her that would open her eyes? What? Your purse comes about as close to matching your shoes as your mind does to reality? (Not being sexist here, for a guy, it would be your cologne matches your personality like a stink on a skunk?)Help?

  10. You’re right, it’s not worth leaving a comment on such a site. My Ukrainian grandmother used to say, “Never argue with a drooling fool. They’ll never be convinced by anything you say, and you’ll just end up covered in drool.” She was absolutely right.

  11. Kooky Kooky Kooky. I am speechless, a phony photo-op in Annapolis between the Palestinians and Israelis makes her think Bush “abandoned” the Israelis? Didn’t Jews abandon Israel when they all moved to Manhattan?

    Look at this comment: “On the personal level, President Bush was a real mensch!” (mensh means “a person of integrity and honor). Are you kidding me? George W. Bush? The guy who’s life amounted to an empty bottle of booze until he turned 40? Boy.

    I think the point here is that even with all of us looking at that article and commenting on it, all we have are a couple of jokes. If indeed we are meant to communicate with one another we are in for a tough time. One of the comments on that other website suggested the U.S. seeing a civil war before the 2012 elections! I’m frightened at the level of crazy these people are suffering from.

  12. Bleah. That column and the comments that followed made me sick. It’s one thing to ignore the atrocity that is the Bush legacy, but to completely obliterate it and dress it up to be respectable is just unbelievably disgusting.

  13. donnah, I am sure he is on his way to becoming another saint ronnie. I just hope memories of this mess he has left linger on so there will be someone to say he was not good for the country.

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