11 thoughts on “Stuff to Read

  1. “Why isn’t there a Democrat running against Thune in South Dakota, though?”
    Well, we went away from the 50 state strategy, so maybe the DNC didn’t want to spend the money.
    Or, maybe there aren’t any left? 🙂

  2. Great article, thanks for the link Maha. It’s funny how the wing-nuts love to whine about labor unions and how they supposedly protect unproductive workers jobs. I guess that makes FAUX, AEI, et-al just one large labor union for rich folk and failed wing-nut polititians! It’s hard to believe that normal middle folks can’t see what is going on with FAUX news; racism, fear and xenophobia are powerful forces.

    Great video Cundgulag, I like the “only $9.95 for all the answers”.

  3. “Donald Duck meets Glenn Beck” made my day. I sent it out to all my friends. It’s gonna go viral soon, if not already so.

  4. I read the Glenn Beck thing too. What a putz. I don’t understand how/why people are attracted to the idiot.`

    • I don’t understand how/why people are attracted to the idiot.`

      People are attracted to him because he reflects their inner reality back to them. Frightening, huh?

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