Cleanup Estimate Correction

AP: “Wisconsin officials now say the cost to repair damage at the state Capitol could be as low as $350,000.”

Walker has pretty much maxed out on the buffoon meter, I’d say.

Update: See also Andrew Leonard, “Tea Party Waterloo?

12 thoughts on “Cleanup Estimate Correction

  1. Only $350,000?
    Uhm, then where did that $7.5 million estimate come from?
    Privatization, is my guess.
    Probably some Brothers Koch cleaning outfit.
    Or did Eric Prince form a mop & bucket brigade in XE?
    That $350,000 probably came from unionized public sector workers, and not contractors in bed with Conservatives.

    Oh yeah, and from Leonard’s article:
    Wavering Republican politicians as “The Wisconsin Wobblies.”
    What an insult to the real ‘Wobblies!’

    I know that pink is a lighter shade of red, so why not the Republicans as ‘Wisconsin Pinkerton’s?’

    • Uhm, then where did that $7.5 million estimate come from?

      Maybe one of the bean counters spilled coffee on his calculator.

  2. OK, this is WAAAAAAAAAAAY TOOOOOOOOOOOO good not to share:

    Yes, prominent Conservative talk show hosts have PAID actors call into their stations:
    “We supply voice talent to take/make your on-air calls, improvise your scenes or deliver your scripts. Using our simple online booking tool, specify the kind of voice you need, and we’ll get your the right person fast. Unless you request it, you won’t hear that same voice again for at least two months, ensuring the authenticity of your programming for avid listeners.”

    Because nothing says “authenticity” better that having your Conservative listeners hearing paid actors reading from a carefully written and vetted script.

    It’s called ‘Premiere On Call:’
    “Premiere On Call is our new custom caller service,” read the service’s website, which disappeared as this story was being reported (for a cached version of the site click here) –

    The cached page has an audition form.
    I am, was, an actor.
    What do you think, should I audition?
    There is, though, a ‘Confidentiality Agreement.’
    And of course, I’d blab about any call I made to you all in a nanosecond, or however long it takes Rush to inhale a gross of Twinkies into his gaping fat maw – whichever is faster.

    I wonder if you had to join AFTRA, the union, in order to be paid for these calls?
    And wouldn’t that be ironic?

    Paid actors for “authenticity!” You can’t make shit like this up.

  3. I think we can assume that the $7.5 million came right out of old Scottie’s ass. Just another example of how absolutely politically tone deaf Scottie is. Didn’t they think that, well, we’d get the real number soon and it will be significantly lower than the 7.5 and make us sound rediculous. Kind of like turning the capitol in Madison into an armed police camp, after weeks of peaceful protestors with upwards of a million people. You knew the cops would end up roughing someone up, and it would be caught on tape, and low and behold, it was a Democratic Representatives. And now everyone can look at it. Tone Deaf.

    • Just another example of how absolutely politically tone deaf Scottie is.

      Not to mention not very bright. Surely he could have fabricated another figure that was in the neighborhood of being plausible.

      One suspects he has gotten away with a lot in the past because he was out of the media spotlight. The same old tricks don’t work when people are actually watching him.

  4. Not to over comment, but another story out of this is Walker claiming he was getting 9,000 supportive emails, per day. A local alternative newspaper, The Isthmus, and the AP have filed court documents to make Walker release those emails. I’m guessing the actual number will be along the same lines of the clean up cost. Lets see, 7.5 mil down to 350,000 is about a cut of 22 times. That would make the actual number of emails Walker got was about 400. Which actually isn’t that bad a number, that David Koch must be one fast typer.

  5. buckyblue,
    You’d better watch your ass!
    Over commenting is MY specialty!!!

  6. Maha, I think you’re right. But also, when in Milwaukee he was pulling this crap on a largely African American county board. White on Black bullshit isn’t really a story. White on White bullshit, now we’re talking about a national deal.

  7. $350,000 is bullshit as well. A few years back my company had a flood at one of our R&D facilities, the place was flooded with human feces and storm water, it is approx. 500,000 sq. ft. we paid less $150,000 to have a crew of 50 people from a private contractor clean the place up (it took 40 hrs per man). Granted replacing carpets and damaged electrical equipment cost quite a bit more but just to clean shit from the walls and pump out the water was less than $150,000 so how could cleaning up after a couple hundred protesters be anywhere near $350,000? I call bullshit on that. Cundgulag is right must be a Koch Bros. contract!

  8. Uhm, then where did that $7.5 million estimate come from?

    Megan McArdle’s calculator.

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