3 thoughts on “Elizabeth Taylor, 1932-2011

  1. Liz was a great, great star, but not a great actor.
    She was really, really good in a few films. “Giant,” also “Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf,” “A Place in the Sun,” and “Butterfield 8.” Also “Cleopatra,” though I’m not that big a fan of that movie. “Woolf” is by far her biggest, and best stretch (or was it?).

    What’s ironic to me is that today, when Liz died, there’s an appropriate amount of coverage – her death is mentioned on all of the channels (I assume FOX too, but I won’t turn to that channel), but when Anna Nicole Smith died, Holy Shit, on cable tv news it was all Anna 24×7 for about a week. All right in the middle of 2 occupations, and, if I remember right, the Senate Habeas Corpus debate/debacle. Or was it the great middle-class credit crushing legislation? Who knows, since there was often more than one outrage dujour.

    Liz was a legitimately great star, and one of the last that came from the old Hollywood system. I could almost understand her death taking up a few days of cable tv news – just not the whole day. But Anna Nicole Smith? Sure, she was fairly young, a reality show star (flame-out), the widow of an ancient millionaire, had the issue’s with her son, etc.
    I suspected the news corporations were instucted to give us a diversion from the clusterfuck at the time that was the Bush mis-administration. I think it came down to Anna, which the coverage might have warranted if it was Marlyn Monroe who had just died – not some chubby Marylin Monroe Ultra-Ultra-Ultra-Ultra-Ultra Lite sorta-kinda look-alike – with a lot of makeup, and when she was a lot younger.

    Liz did a lot of charity work, and helped a lot of people.
    RIP Liz!
    You will be missed…

  2. Oh yeah, the most beautiful pair of eyes I’ve ever seen. Sadly, only on screen.
    But my Aunt used to take her blood for check-ups at Columbia-Presbyterian Hospital every few years back in the ’60’s and ”70’s. She always said two things about Liz – her eyes, and how nice she was.
    My Aunt took blood from a lot of stars, and she said not all of them were nice, but that Liz sure was.

  3. Sad to see her go. It’s a strange experience watching the passing parade. Death is a part of life!

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