Oh, Snap

Update: I see The Donald thinks the President’s remarks about him were “inappropriate.” Unreal. But Glenn Reynold’s comment is even funnier:

SUCKER: Obama takes bait, embiggens Donald Trump. You don’t punish Donald Trump by giving him attention. A more experienced politician would know that. Nor is building Trump up good for Obama — Trump has actually hurt him more than all the others combined.

Um, on what planet?

19 thoughts on “Oh, Snap

  1. “Revenge is a dish best served cold.”
    And that was beautifully, calculatingly, COLD!
    ‘Faked moon landing, Roswell…’
    ‘And those are the kinds of decions that would keep me up at night.”

    Oh, and I loved watching Trump squirm. It looked like his sphincter was battling against a turd the size of Trump’s ego, and about to lose at any minute.

  2. Compare the difference between Obama and Trump as they were being roasted. Obama laughed with the rest of the audience when he was being joked aboit, but Trump scowled the entire time, and left immediately. It’s impossible to imagine Trump as President anyway, but it’s obvious that anyone so thin-skinned could not handle the job.

  3. The Donald was not a happy camper…He didn’t seem to show the same exuberance as when he was patting himself on the back for having finally been the one to settle Obama’s birth certificate issue. Poor baby..I suppose he made a quick exit so he could get his deflated ego to the men’s rooms for some emergency mirror therapy.

  4. The whole speech was full of really sharp, biting humor, some of which was probably to arch to be appreciated by the audience. Earlier he mocked the birthers by showing his “birth video”, which was a clip from Disney’s ‘The Lion King’. He also had a line about having heard that Michelle Bachmann was born in Canada, then pointedly said “Yes, Michelle, this is how it starts.” There was also a great line about how Paul Ryan wasn’t there, because his budget has no room for laughter. So Trump wasn’t the only one getting the knife expertly slipped in with a smile.

    And I can’t fault Obama for twisting it a few times, like the line about how “we all know about your credentials and experience” and the “decisions that would keep me up at night.” Oh, snap, indeed!

  5. Welcome to the big leagues, Donald. You thought you were master of the universe because you play monopoly with real real estate in NYC. Guess what – the country is bigger than the great city you think is yours. And the world is bigger than this great country.

    You might be significant if you had real ideas. You think OPEC or China will tremble with fear that you might utter the presidential edict, “You’re Fired!”. I don’t think so. The Donald is discovering how insignificant he is. Poor guy.

  6. Yeah, The scene from the Lion King was similar to the scene in Alex Haley’s TV mini series Roots where Kunta Kinte’s father raises him toward heaven and says. “Behold the only thing greater than your self”. I sensed a subtle dig to the racists by Obama accentuating his African heritage with that particular movie clip.

  7. I just watched the Seth Meyers bit, which was merciless on Trump, and The Donald was NOT amused. The cut-aways made a sharp contrast with Obama, who was smiling and laughing when it came his turn to be the butt of the jokes. Seth’s two best Trump lines were, “He’s running as a Republican, which is funny, because I thought he was running as a joke” and a bit about how he appears on Fox, but also there’s a fox that appears on his head.

  8. Brilliant article at HuffPo, Donald Trump has Revealed the Truth about the Republican Party:

    Since the election of Barack Obama, the Republican Party has proved that one of its central intellectual arguments was right all along. They have long claimed that evolution is a myth believed in only by whiny liberals — and it turns out they were onto something. Every six months, the Republican Party venerates a new hero, and each time it is somebody further back on the evolutionary scale…

    …I half-expected the next contender to be a lung-fish draped in the Stars and Stripes. But it wasn’t anything so sophisticated. Enter stage (far) right Donald Trump, the bewigged billionaire who has filled America with phallic symbols and plastered his name across more surfaces than the average Central Asian dictator. A survey suggests he is the most popular candidate among Republican voters. It’s not hard to see why.

    Trump is every trend in Republican politics over the past thirty-five years taken to its logical conclusion. He is the Republican id, finally entirely unleashed from all restraint and all reality….

  9. The Donald was NOT amused

    I’d say!…The Donald had steam coming out of his ears.

  10. And a double mock for Obama, who is making the really big calls,like tracking down bin laden and killing him while the donalds big call is “ya fired” or dropping the f bomb at a speech…I thought it was amusing to see Obama pat the donald on the head like he was a cute little small time player…I certainly hope bin laden was killed WITH his long form birth certificate…

    And the US did a really, really smart thing, and buried the son of a bitch at sea!

    I cried when I heard it this morning. And for our rightie friends and trolls out there, they were tears of joy. I don’t revel in the deaths of may people, but…

    I’m sure that he died as a martyr in many people eyes, and that there will be repurcussions. But for now, well, we can finally say we got the architect of the 9/11 horror. And that it happened we got Osama on Obama’s watch – not Little Boots’.

  12. I suspect that on Planet Pajama Mr. Reynolds is working on a piece to carry the Trump concept a bit futher. He’ll blame Obama for “embiggening” Osama Bin Laden by making him “top priority”. That’s another trap our hapless president has fallen into.

    Michelle Bachmann would NEVER have fallen for that old trick.

    I seriously do wonder how they will spin the death of OBL. Maybe “Little Boots” did all the work and BHO just got lucky. Believe me, it’s coming.

  13. Well, I had a cup of coffee and thought about it for thirty seconds and realized I was being incredibly naive. Here’s the obvious answer. Rush, Donald and Hannity will probably wait a few days to roll it out. It will go something like this…

    Buried at sea? Sounds pretty “fishy” to me. Pretty obviously the death of OBL was a hoax perpetrated by pro-Sharia operatives who dominate the White House and the CIA. The actual plan was to protect OBL from further danger and allow him to retire and enjoy his sunset years. I happen to have it on good authority that the Obamas have recently purchased the “Beatles Secret Island”. I think we can connect the dots.

    “Galtian Superman” will expound on how he would have REALLY killed Bin Laden and displayed him like the stuffed emperor Valerian. (The proceeds from admission to the exhibit would have paid for the whole operation!!) Trump will then fund a crack team of investigators to get to the bottom of the conspiracy find Obama’s real birth certificate which proves that he is OBL’s half brother. Glen Beck and Michelle Bachmann will say that the birth certificate appears to be genuine.

    That swiftboat jackass will write a book about it.

    Sounds like business as usual.

  14. goatherd,
    Yeah, 27+% won’t believe a black man like Obama is capable or competent enough to kill Osama. I watched FOX for a few moments, and Rove was on, and all he talked about was the Navy Seals – who deserve a lot of credit. I didn’t hear him mention Obama’s name – surprise, surprise… But, the President, who made killing OBL a priority, deserves a bit of credit, too. I then turned off FOX and the lumpy, doughy, lier.

    And the righties are pissed, because they wanted OBL head brought back on a pike to be kept on Little Boots’ desk as a paperweight in the Oval Office, where he would be re-elected forever, and every, Amen.

    Oh, and all of this took place 8 years to the day of Little Boots’ “MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!” speech. (Snicker…)

  15. OK, for the 2012 presidential election, here’s what we’ll do. We get two teams: the Republicans and the Democrats, and send them all to Washington for a reality show titled “The next US President.” Each week, they will have a team task to do and then the people living in the US (who really cares if they are citizens or not) will vote by telephone one candidate from each team off per week. At the end, there are two candidates left with the final task and one grand finale. Maybe they should sing something for us, or dance with their spouse. What do y’all think?

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