Prime Time Address

I’m watching. Please comment if you feel moved to do so.

Update: The tone of this really is similar to one of FDR’s fireside chats. He is being clear and reasonable. Adult.

Update: He’s not going to accept a compromise that doesn’t provide for paying the nation’s bills until after the 2012 election. Otherwise, we’re just going to be playing the same game over and over until after the election.

Orange Julius up next.

OJ: Blah blah blah. Lies and misdirection. Whats on another channel?

Oooo, Criminal Minds re-run. It’s the one about the vampire rock star who is suspected of serial homicide, but the real perp turns out to be his publicist and a schizophrenic fan. Classic.

Update: Orange Julius is gone. It’s safe go back to the commentary on the speech if you want to.

Update: Oh, bleep, MSNBC is going to have some teabagger on. I’m outta here.

13 thoughts on “Prime Time Address

  1. O is setting us up for emergency measures. As Mara Liason said, neither plan includes both new revenue and cuts.

    Boner sounds like a shyster. You can hear the smirk in his voice.

    • As Mara Liason said, neither plan includes both new revenue and cuts.

      But the President mentioned Reid’s plan in his speech, not by name, and suggested it was better than nothing. Reid’s plan would not touch Medicare and other benefit programs and does not take taxes off the table. When I find a transcript I’ll point out the spot where he does this.

  2. Oh man, now that Criminal Minds is ruined for me.

    thereisnospoon @ Digby’s place* has is right: Obama wants to piss off both sides so he can appear to be the adult in the middle. So the middle is between an already-moderate and the insane right. Awesome.

    *Who was quoting someone else, yes I know.

  3. Boner sounds like a shyster.

    Well, yeah! Because he is a shyster! When someone poses a question and then goes on to answer their own can be assured they’re trying to sell you a bill of goods..Boehner wouldn’t even make a good encyclopedia salesman.

    I’ll liked his reference to being a small business owner…I could identify with him on that, but it was strange how he didn’t mention he only lasted 6 weeks in the military. I hear they drummed him out as a misfit.

  4. Bush2, Dick and Donald wiped their butts on the Constitution and spent without accountability to pay for their war adventurism. Where was Boner then? Where was the Tea Party? This boils down to racism with code language. I know I keep saying that, but it keeps on being true. The Republican/Baggers want the “good old days” of the 1950’s. There are a lot of things from the ’50’s that we don’t need anymore.

  5. But do you know what people are fed up with most of all? They’re fed up with a town where compromise has become a dirty word.

    Obama is right of course, but that’s not true of the teabaggers. They think that compromise is the cause of all their problems, like the failures of the Bush administration and electoral defeats is 2006 and 2008. They will primary any Republican who votes to raise revenue. They may even primary them for voting to raise the debt ceiling at all.

  6. Orange Man Walking has no credibility on any of this, period. If only people would pay half attention. Where was Big O’s chart showing how many times the debt got raised and who caused all of the debt. I was watching some MSNBC in the afternoon with Dylan R. and they weren’t even saying it was the Bush tax cuts. They said it was the economy and the wars, but finally one of the experts said, “and the Bush tax cuts” and Dylan finally said, yes, and the Bush tax cuts. Then they had some bullshit moron from the Washington Examiner (?) who was making the point that we needed to cut more taxes. Incredible. Cut taxes to stimulate the economy. And this is MSNBC. Mind you, I don’t watch it much, but this is supposed to be the Liberal side of things. Damn, where’s Bernie Sanders TV when I need it??

  7. Very measured.
    Very adult.
    Holding back anger.
    I liked the “Call your Congressman” line, to put pressure on ’em’. I can see a bunch of them sitting there and cringing. I would include the Teabagging eye doctor who’s my new Congresssh*ithead. I’ll be calling her office to talk to one of the idiots there. I’ll be issuing another “Debt Threat.”

    I do wish he’d mentioned that Congress has a few days, or else he may have to use the 14th Amendment, and explained the rational. But then, maybe that would have taken the pressure off of the Housesh*theads.

    I tried to watch the rebuttal, but the moment Speaker Orancicle started to talk, I went back to reading a novel.
    The only reason to watch him is that he sometimes looks like he’s on the edge of a nervous breakdown. I was hoping he’d have one last night, and start crying, and pull out a little hip-take a nip, look into the camera, and start kvetching about Cantor and the Teabaggers.

  8. I didn’t give Tangerine Man equal time, because he doesn’t deserve it. Now I’m mulling over what to say to my Congresscritter, one of those old-skool conservative Repugs who got into bed with the Tea Party. Seems like a waste of electrons to email him, but I suppose I ought to give it a try.

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