Corporate Media Obeys Its Masters

Big headline in the Washington Post:

“More Americans unhappy with Obama on economy, jobs”

The story begins:

More than a third of Americans now believe that President Obama’s policies are hurting the economy, and confidence in his ability to create jobs is sharply eroding among his base, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll.

But Americans’ discontent does not stop there. The survey also found that Americans harbor negative feelings toward congressional Republicans. Roughly as many people blame Republican policies for the poor economy as they do Obama. But 65 percent disapprove of the GOP’s handling of jobs, compared to 52 percent for the president.

So why isn’t the headline “More Americans unhappy with congressional Republicans on economy, jobs”?

Well, we know why, don’t we?

7 thoughts on “Corporate Media Obeys Its Masters

  1. Jeez, you didn’t get the memo?
    The media is all liberal except Fox, fair and balanced, News.

  2. If somehow or other, 99.99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999% of Americans said they loved a Democrat, the WaPo would headline that story as “Not Every American Loves Democratic Policies.”

    Fred Hiatt would “Hurumph!”
    Then Krauthammer.
    Then Kristol.
    Then J. Rubin.
    And so on down the food chain – until Fred didn’t get a “Harumph!” out of someone – and that someone’s ass would be on the street, begging for work.

  3. A note to maha. You have created this site to be one of the most informative site out here. Congratulations and Thank you.

  4. 65% and 52% added together is over 100% on the same question…Doesn’t that indicate that something is wrong with those poll numbers?

  5. I saw that mess at the Post just after looking at today’s Pew Poll. Over at Pew Research, his job approval ratings have dropped from 44 to 42 since January. Republicans’ job approval in the same period has gone from 34 to 25. “Dem leaders” have gone from 33 to 30… Nobody much likes anybody and who can blame ’em… but the Dems and Obama are holding their own in a bleak period. Can’t say the same about the GOP.

    What I want to know is the content of the gajillions of phone calls and email messages to Congress in response to Obama’s plea last night.

  6. There’s an episode from the original Star Trek, ‘Journey to Babel’ that comes to mind. A group of diplomats on a mission to prevent a war are on the Enterprise which becomes the target of a small but potent attack ship. Only at the end of the episode does Mr Spock realize the aggressor is on a suicide mission which is how the attacks can be so strong.

    The Tea Party is on a suicide mission. Their leadership can read the polls. This is the apex of political power for them AND THEY KNOW IT. If actual governance was the goal, the strategy would be ‘illogical’. The mission is dysfunctional government too weak to interfere with the architects of wingnut conservatism. The instrument of chaos is the Balanced Budget Amendment. After that, they don’t care. Taxes low enough to guarantee no government interference or enforcement.

  7. I just found on Deusexmalcontent a chart from the Sunday NYT showing the new expenditures for Bush2 and for Obama (including projections). It reminds me of the chart Jason Linkins often runs during his Sunday morning liveblog of the talk shows “so you don’t have to watch them”.

    It is a clear demonstration of the ‘baggers’ devotion to mythology over mathematics.

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