The GOP Debate

Before I get into the debate, please note that Rand Paul says we are all corporations. We are all chartered by a government and as an entity have legal rights separate from our owners? Weird.

[Update: Sarah Palin also says corporations are people. Are you paying attention, baggers?]

As I lacked the stomach to watch the GOP debate last night, the best I can do is link to other reactions to it — in no particular order —

Eugene Robinson, “GOP Debate Land

Steve Benen, “Ten-to-One Isn’t Good Enough for the GOP

Ezra Klein, “No Winners in Thursday’s Debate, But Many Losers

5 thoughts on “The GOP Debate

  1. If they don’t get it on the face of it…then they won’t get it with a detailed explanation. So I guess the best answer to the “corporations are people” crowd is..Yep, they sure are!

  2. What happened to the pizza guy? What’s his name..Herman Melville? I didn’t hear a peep about him in all the top notch analysis going around..I wonder what the problem is..maybe the American dream rhetoric just ain’t kickin’ ass like it used to.

  3. I watched about 5 minutes of the replay last night. Jon Huntsman was the only one who used his indoor voice.

    That’s about all you missed.

  4. Maybe we’re all thetans, too. Or fairy princesses– Disney seems to think so. Maybe can can all sing. Or rap and instantly make a mountain of bling. Or..maybe… they’ve all gone daft. Excuse me, MORE daft.

  5. Wow, “Citizens United” was more sweeping than I imagined. Apparently, it’s now, “We the Corporations of the United States of America…”

    In light of this new information, I’d like to add that I’m sorry I’m late to this conversation – but this little corporate entity had a corporate board meeting with myself, took inventory, and decided to make tuna casserole for my corporate parents. I then cleaned up, watched my Yankees lose for awhile, then went to read a book, and went to sleep.
    As CEO and CFO, I’m ready for another beautiful day.
    I think I’ll start by cutting something – like my lawn.
    Then I’ll cook some books (really grill some chicken).

    So, it looks like the GOP is going all-in on this corporations are people.

    To bad they didn’t think of this earlier. We could have had a “Concert for Lehman” which could have featured the artists still alive from the Bangledesh one, and all of the proceeds could have been used to keep it afloat. They could have shown pitures of all of the exec’s with swollen, distended bellies, and people would have flooded them with donations. Ok, well the steak sauce on the ties would have had to have been airbrushed out…

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