Making It Up

Via Krugman — the Columbia Journalism Review analyzes a post at the American Enterprise Union on why income inequality is a myth. The remarkable thing about the post is that the author doesn’t even try to manipulate data; he just flat-out lies about it. He cites studies revealing income inequality and claims they say just the opposite.

See also Charles Pierce, “Everybody Is the 99 Percent,” and while you are there, see “The Republican Addiction to Attack Politics Has Backfired.”

5 thoughts on “Making It Up

  1. Maha, within the links you provided, there is a comment that includes a link you’ve got to see:

    What the Costumes Reveal

    It’s about a Halloween Party held last Friday at a “foreclosure mill” near Buffalo, New York. The party featured employees dressing up to mock the people whose homes they foreclosed on. A disgusted and appalled employee snapped photos and turned them over to a New York Times reporter.

    The photos are posted online. There is no denying them, they are as clear as a bell. So the firm’s response when contacted by the New York Times: they deny this party took place.

    Righties have become such pathological liars that even with the proof staring them right in the face, they can still lie. You have to wonder if they aren’t seriously mentally ill.

  2. Full title:
    “The American Enterprise Institute (of Total Lier’s).”
    Usually a good lie has to have some little bit of truth for the grifter to con the rube, but this clown’s taken it to a new level.
    Read this joker’s bio:

    And who said there’s no more textile industry in the USA?
    This was woven out of whole cloth!

  3. All humans are prone to self-deception, but when you get a lot of them hooked on a self-serving ideology, one that successfully teaches all adherents to disregard certain contrary claims, it becomes a mass delusion. The stronger the deception grows (the more energy people put into believing it and producing “evidence” for it), the more “self-evident” it becomes. It’s a sign of how far gone things have gone where people on the outside see writings like this as a fraud on their face; but people on the inside really believe they’re doing honest work.

    Candide – I once met an attorney who happened to work for a firm that dealt with foreclosures, here in LA. She briefly displayed an attitude similar to that of the people from the Baum firm. I kind of glossed over the encounter, and she wasn’t that comfortable talking about it, but the article you linked to, plus my encounter, makes me think this attitude is probably very common. Thanks.

  4. The Republicans live in their own private dystopia, where the Earth is 6000 years old, woman don’t own their bodies, Sharia law is different from what the Evangelicals would do to us, and 2 feet of snow in Boston before Halloween is perfectly normal.

  5. Jesus being the first born of creation is a myth…income inequality is a reality.

    I was thinking back on the good old days when Michael Miiken was the standard bearer for corporate excesses with his measley 400 million yearly take from wall street. And how the public at that time labeled his paltry “earnings” as obscene.. Now in the reflection of time the amount of 400 million in corporate pillage won’t even get you noticed as one of the boys on Wall street.

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