
According to a new CBS poll, Herman Cain remains the favorite in the GOP presidential horse race, and second is … Newt?

Newt’s ratings keep going up; both Mittens and Cain have lost a few points recently.

That giggling you hear is coming from the White House. Meanwhile, don’t miss Erick Erickson’s mash note to Herman Cain. It’s quite remarkable.

Oh, and it’s Armistice Day.

20 thoughts on “Newtmentum

  1. Romney moving down, or staying roughly the same?
    Perry proved Bush Lite was too light?
    Huntsman still in no-man’s land?

    I think a brokered convention is more and more likely.

    And there, the powers-that-be can arm-twist for Romney, with Rubio or Ryan as VP.

    Or, maybe they’ll pull Jeb out early, instead of waiting for 2016. Jeb can then run with Ryan, or Scott Brown.

    But Newt as their candidate would be hysterical!
    When in doubt, fall back on the disgraced grifting fat blow-hard.
    And for some inexplicable reason, the MSM punTWIT’s still love him – witness his countless appearances on Press the Meat, Meet the Republicans, and Deface the Nation – let alone FOX Spews and CNN and “The Worst and Most Clueless Political Team in the Entire History of the World!”
    They’re all comfortable with his act. And so are the Republican voters.
    After all, in many ways, he’s been the mold for the rest of this moldy field.

    Btw – maha – no extension on unemployment for me, so I’m very, very sorry, but I can’t help out right now. 🙁
    And you know how much I love your blog! You’re my home page!

    I have to figure out what the hell my family and I are going to do. I can’t complain since I got almost 18 months after working only 7 1/2 months (this after 10 months unemployed living off my 401K plan, after working steadily since I was 17).

    I may have one fall back, and that’s driving a cab. But I have a bad hip, bad back, the accelerator and braking ankle in an immobile leather brace, I have bad night vision, am very near-sighted, extremely astigmatic, and have old glasses, so I’ve been trying to avoid going that route, mostly for the safety of others, but it looks like I’ll have no choice. Zip. Zero. Zilch. NONE! Now, I have to suck in my pride and ask my Aunt and Uncle for a couple of hundred bucks to get a cab/hack license and get certified.
    If I get the job hacking Upstate NY, and anyone’s up here and you see a fat bald middle-aged guy (who looks remarkably like my little visual character here) squinting at the road signs, wave – that just might be me! 🙂
    And if I do get it, I’ll throw some tip money your way then, maha.

    • Oh, for goodness sakes, c u n d, you contribute more than enough already. Don’t give it another thought! I hope things work out for you.

  2. Thanks maha!
    I should know by the end of next week if I can get something.
    Keep you fingers crossed everyone.
    I know I am.

  3. I got my fingers crossed for you, CUND GULAG.

    Eric isn’t the only wingnut suggesting the only way to restore credibility to the Cain campaign is to throw the senior advisors under the bus. Which implies the obvious – that outside the myopia of the Tea Party, the Cain campaign is a joke. Even Erickson can see that Cain will be crushed in the general election if he has the keystroke cops running things.

    Nobody is reporting the obvious. Cain is popular because no other TP candidate looks strong enough to bump Romney. Ron Paul is not a Tea Party candidate. Newt’s is not. The other TP candidates, Bachmann and What’s-his-name are at 2% and 1% among the GOP.

    My guess is that the 20% for ‘don’t know’ – don’t like Romney, and aren’t thrilled with the alternatives but they will vote for Suckered (horns, tail & pitchfork), if he’s running against Obama. Again, its my opinion that the 20% who is holding back are a pragmatic bunch, as evidenced by the fact that they *are* holding back. They will line up behind the least slimy candidate with the (perceived) best chance of beating Obama. At this point, Newt & Pizzaman are still more slimy than Mister Flip-Flop. That’s a lot of slime.

    I stilted think the evangelical of the Tea Party

  4. @ c u n d: I’m covering you, guy. Who says we godless liberal humanists don’t take care of our own?

  5. @cund – for some reason I always imagined you as tall and lanky, with a bountiful head of unkempt graying hair, and no glasses. This God-oriented liberal will be praying for you, and so between myself, Bill Bush and the others, we’ve got all the bases covered.

    Erick’s note is a hoot. He can’t see that Cain’s preference for an amateurish campaign staff is one of the indications why he’d be a terrible president, not even considering his ridiculous ideas. Such great minds on the right, not.

  6. maha – I’m still trying to keep granddaughters from having to take out student loans to get through university. Just one of the perverse messages we’re giving our kids – unless you graduate from college, the chances of you landing a half-way decent job are next to nil. On the other hand, we’ve made it almost impossible for you to get through college without a student loan (which will haunt your bank account for years) so in essence you can’t attend college. (I’ve only got three years to go, unless they go back for graduate degrees???)

    As to the Cain/Newt groaning popularity? Interesting that they both treat women like non-human beings and even more interesting that a large part of Republicans seem to also agree that women are, in the end, non-human beings. (In fact, it’s the primary, and almost only thing they have in common.)

  7. Gulag, can you set up a paypal account like maha has? Seriously, I will chip in toward your future as a cabbie… or other more-comfortable form of employment, if an alternative arises.

  8. Erickson’s post is quite a thing, but as always the real gems are in the comments:

    Well Cain does tend to be liberal. His 999 plan includes a new national sales tax (increase in taxes), sounds and look very liberal to me. Then Cain supported TARP so that clearly is another liberal trait. It appears he isn’t sure if he is pro-life or pro-choice but surely leans toward pro-choice. Not sure but at the very least Cain is a liberal republican.

    I’m not sure how I feel about belonging to the same species as someone who thinks this way.

    • I’m not sure how I feel about belonging to the same species as someone who thinks this way.

      Well, I flat-out don’t believe it. I’m guessing this person is some variety of refrigerator mold.

  9. WOW!!!
    Thanks everyone, but I just realized something, so let me see what happens next week.
    I don’t know if every state is like this, but NY’s unemployment system is really convoluted – stupid actually. Like, you can’t use your UI debit card at a gas pump. But you can go in and pay for it inside – and at the same time buy beer and cigarettes, even wine – but no gas at the pump!
    After I filed my extension request on-line on Wednesday, I then tried to call to see what they said yesterday. I couldn’t get through to anyone – God forbid you talk to a human being – I wonder how many millions of jobs IVR’s have cost this country? Now, the recording tells you to check your status on-line, so I tried, but you can’t find that out on-line – Catch 22! So I figured I’d see if there was money in my unemployment account at the bank this morning, which is ‘pay day.’
    There wasn’t, so I assumed the extension that I filed didn’t go through. I checked on-line, but, Catch 22 again – you can’t that find out! Or at least I wasn’t able to. So, I figured I’d try to get through to a human being I this morning and when I called, I found out it’s a NY State holiday – D’OH! (it seems I got used to the South, where they don’t have off days for piddling little holidays like Veterans/Armistice Day – go figure!). So maybe it did go through but because of the holiday, my pittance won’t show up at the bank until Monday or Tuesday, which happened when July 4th fell on a Friday last year.
    If it’s there, I may be ok for awhile. I’ve just paid off some bills, and was hoping the extension would let me save enough for the rest of the hack license steps. So hopefully I don’t have to ask to borrow from my once fairly Liberal, but now Fox-viewing, Aunt and Uncle.

    In the meantime, I’ll be keeping my finger crossed until Monday. At least I’ve got 2 days of hope – and hope that if it doesn’t happen, I may have options.
    So thank you ever so kindly everyone. And if I do need it, I’ll figure out some way to pay people back. I am, after all, though unemployed, a proud Liberal!

  10. Cundgulag, you’re an intelligent and talented person, you deserve better, but hang in there, and start the paypal account.

  11. President Obama is the luckiest politician on the planet. If he had run against a Republican candidate of the caliber of Ronald Reagan he would have gone down ignominiously in history with Walter Mondale. Instead he got Granmpa Simpson and Wassilly Hillbilly as his opponents. And now, when conventional wisdom is that he’s toast because of the poor economy, he’s either going to get Newt the Lizard, Mittens the Fudge Packer (who is *such* a dynamic candidate, has all the personality of a dial tone), or some similar candidate that’s simply unelectable. Folks on the Obama campaign staff have to be looking at each other in rank astonishment at what’s going on in the GOP right now…

    – Badtux the Similarly-baffled Penguin

  12. “Newt’s ratings keep going up; both Mittens and Cain have lost a few points recently.”

    I guess Newt is the vertebrate of the month. Cain’s woman problem will only get bigger as the media and other candidates keep it in people’s awareness– he’s done as Perry.

  13. maha,
    Thanks, I appreciate the offer to help from everyone – but let me see what happens on Monday or Tuesday.

    Like I said, I think it’s the holiday that led me to believe that my extension didn’t go through.
    I forgot that we blue state cowardly and ‘unpatriotic’ Yankees celebrate Veterans/Armistice Day, while those gallant and chivalrous uber-patriots in the South – uhm, not so much…

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